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纯空气是无色无臭的。Pure air is colourless and odourless.

二氧化硫是一种无色气体,带有刺鼻的气味。SO2 is a colourless gas with a sharp odour.

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澄明,无色到淡黄色液体。A clear , colourless to pale yellow solution.

这种烯丙基型的树脂是一种高度透明的、无色材料。This allyl type resin is a highly transparent, colourless material.

它是无色无味,它可以流动,我们渴了可以喝。It 's colourless tasteless. It can flow. we drink it when we thirsty.

“暗淡无光,”那是当时卫报的标题。"It was thoroughly colourless stuff, " the Guardian reported at the time.

这种无色无味的气体如果长期大量地泄露,将是杀人不眨眼的恶魔。The odourless, colourless gas is deadly if there is high or prolonged exposure.

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乙基乙醇胺是一种无色液体,与水,醇,醚混溶。Ethyl Monoethanolamine is a colourless liquid, miscible with water, alcohol and ether.

这儿和高地无色的空气不同,在山谷里,那儿的大气是一种深蓝色。Instead of the colourless air of the uplands the atmosphere down there was a deep blue.

彭尼顿太太是位矮胖的女人,苍白的脸庞上布满细小的皱纹。Mrs Peniston was a small plump woman, with a colourless skin lined with trival wrinkles.

用该催化剂合成的产品无色透明,室温下无絮状沉淀物。The products were colourless transparent liquid without any sediment at room temperature.

FLUX-OFF为无色,蒸发后不留残渣。正常使用下不会侵蚀任何材料。FLUX-OFF is colourless and leaves no deposits. lt does not attack any material in common use.

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虽然浸泡后的燕窝颜色会有些变化,但用于浸泡的水应该保持无色。Coloration of EBN willfadeupon soaking, but the water used for soaking should remain colourless.

爱德华1962年宣布就职参议员,相比光彩不及两位兄长。Edward was sworn in as a senator in 1962 and, by comparison with his brothers, seemed colourless.

“变化?”她丈夫平淡地应声说,眼睛盯着马抽搐的耳朵。"Changed?" echoed her husband in a colourless voice, his eyes fixed on the ponies' twitching ears.

铍在所有化合物中的原子价都是2,这些化合物通常都无色,有独特的甜味。Beryllium has valence 2 in all its compounds, which are generally colourless and taste distinctly sweet.

同时本身也是无色无味的涂料,可以附着在家具和墙壁上,会永久性在里面。At the same time the paint itself is colourless , affixed on the walls and furniture, will be permanent in there.

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剑魂纯PK加点时无色技能分别加几级是,还有觉醒?。Is that the colourless technical ability adds grade-several respectively when pure sword soul PK adds point to still have arousal?

四川平武产出世界十分稀少和珍贵的桔红色和桔黄色透明白钨矿、亮黑色锡石、无色透明的板状绿柱石。The tangerine and orange scheelite, bright black cassiterite, colourless and transparent board beryl occur in Pingwu, Sichuan Province.

如果溶液的颜色不比水或溶剂或参比溶液B9深,那么溶液是无色的。A solution is colourless if it has the appearance of water R or the solvent or is not more intensely coloured than reference solution B9.