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“我们并不担心这些,”杰克逊和蔼的说。We're not worried about this, " Jackson said in his best grandfatherly voice."

他现在已经70岁了,被尊崇为一位慈祥的僧人,而且有时遁隐。He snow 70 years old, considered a grandfatherly shaman, and is somewhat reclusive.

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他现在70岁了,可以作为爷爷级的人物,还有点隐士的脾性。Len. He's now 70 years old, considered a grandfatherly man, and is somewhat reclusive.

这种情况不可能出现在巴菲特身上,这既是因为他拥有合法权力,也因为他有着“祖父一样的”气场。Highly unlikely that happens with Buffett, both because of his legal rights and his grandfatherly gravitas.

在某种程度上,可能是因为他如慈祥老人般的人格魅力,这吸引了那些遍寻睿智长者而不见的年轻人。In part, it may have been his grandfatherly persona, which appealed to young people in search of wise elders and finding so few.

他们具备年轻人的干劲和热情,但他们不明白,这样一个爷爷辈的家伙怎么总是能赢自己。They had all the raw skill and enthusiasm of youth, but they couldn't understand how such a grandfatherly type could whip them so consistently.

村民们和他的子女们同样认他作“老书记”,吴和蔼、慈祥的风度举止下埋藏着无懈可击的冷静和坚定。Known to villagers and his children alike as "Lao Shuji, " or Old Secretary, Wu has a genial, grandfatherly demeanor that belies a hardheaded steeliness.

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威尔逊先生对这一反抗举动颇为吃惊——因为他是老爷爷般的人物,通常极受孩子们的喜爱——但他仍继续他的测验。Mr.Wilson, not a little astonished at this outbreak- for he was a grandfatherly sort of personage, and usually a vast favourite with children- essayed, however, to proceed with the examination.

威尔逊先生对这一反抗举动颇为吃惊--因为他是老爷爷般的人物,通常极受孩子们的喜爱--但他仍继续他的测验。Mr. Wilson, not a little astonished at this outbreak- for he was a grandfatherly sort of personage, and usually a vast favourite with children- essayed, however, to proceed with the examination.

据消息透露者说,奥巴马继续取笑麦凯恩的竞选团队以及麦凯恩的表现,正如助理们所说麦凯恩的表现打着“异常精准”的亚利桑那州参议员老父式说话方式的印记。According to sources, Obama will also make fun of McCain's campaign organization and perform what aides say is "an uncannily accurate" impression of the Arizona senator's grandfatherly speaking style.