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爸爸是一个工作狂。My father is a workaholic.

摩羯座是天生的工作狂。This sign is the original workaholic.

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当一个工作狂会损害你的事业。Being a workaholic can actually hurt your business.

哥哥是个研究人员,也是一个工作狂。My brother is a researcher, and a workaholic also.

千万别信什么下一个最好的东西.建个支出预算.把你的生活最简化.停止休闲购物.这将使你变成一个工作狂.并且没有那么多债务压力.Stop recreational shopping. This will keep you from becoming a workaholic.

公司里的人都叫他晏“工作狂”,他把大部分时间都用于工作。In the company, he is called a"workaholic" He spends most of his time working.

工作狂不足以描述骨灰狂人,他简直就是开发员的殉道者。Workaholic doesn’t begin to describe the hardcore geek, this martyr of developers.

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但是我觉得真正的原因来还是自于美国工作狂文化背景下对于诸如睡觉此类浪费时间的行为的一种蔑视。But I think the real answer lies in our workaholic culture's contempt for a time-waster like sleep.

如果有一天,一个朝九晚五,或者夜夜加班的工作狂,突然间谈起恋爱了。If one day, a nine-to-five, or the workaholic overtime every night and suddenly talking about love.

另外,我认为许多组织中各个层次的经理喜欢并表扬工作狂的行为。In addition, I think many managers, at all levels of an organization, like and reward workaholic behavior.

这样忘我的工作,凡事亲力亲为的态度,使他获得了“工作狂”的称号,而他自己却非常享受这个状态。His style of doing everything in person has won him the title as a "workaholic" and he enjoys such a status.

一些著名的心理学家说工作狂有一种自卑情结,这导致他们过分补偿的行为。Some famous psychologists say that the workaholic has an inferiority complex which leads to overcompensation.

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他的父亲是一个工作狂,与人合伙经营一家家具店,父亲一门心思扑在工作上,没有时间照顾孩子。And his father was a workaholic who sacrificed child-rearing to work at a furniture store he owned with a partner.

你能忍受对方是个工作狂,那么请放心,他/她能在经济上给你最大的。If you can put up with their workaholic ways you can rest assured that you will be well-taken care of financially.

查阅韦式字典当中的“工作狂”一词,你会发现我的照片就刊登在那个单词下。If you look up the word "workaholic" in Webster’s dictionary, you can find my picture right there under the world.

尽管他比以前更珍惜家人,但他还是以前那个工作狂,过去驱使他取得成功的动力依然还在。While he appreciates his family more than ever, he is the same workaholic with the same drive that got him this far.

成为办公室的事项狂会毁失你梦寐以求的提升机遇,风险你的家庭糊口,乃至会让伴侣交恶成仇。Being the office workaholic can cost you coveted promotions, hurt your home life, and even turn friends into enemies.

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人们总是乐于承认自己是“书虫”,那种态度就如说,“我真是太整洁了”或者“我有点工作狂”。People admit to being bookworms in the same way they admit to being "just too tidy really", or "a bit of a workaholic".

他把大部分时间都用于工作,为工作他常常废寝忘食。In the company, he is called workaholic He spends most of his time working, and often forgets to have meals or to go to bed.

我在想,如果不充当永无休止、精神高度集中的工作狂,有没有可能在职业生涯中实现高升呢?I wonder, Juggle readers, is it ever possible to rise high in a profession without being an unceasing, laser-focused workaholic?