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如果他不快点到,我就要走了。Como no llgue pronto, me voy.

你们怎样定控制点?Cómo determinan los puntos de control?

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你怎么看印度力量在斯帕的速度?Como você avalia o ritmo da Force India em Spa?

我看见过他们由米兰跑步进入科摩。I have seen them trotting into Como from Milan.

科莫湖?我从来没听说过,在哪儿?Lago Di Como? I have never heard of it. Where's it?

佩里·科摩是美国最受欢迎的声乐家吗?And is Perry Como one of the most American popular vocalists ?

今天我在动物园的花店里买了一盆景,名叫福建茶。Today I bought a Bonzai at Como Park. It is called Fujian Tea.

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图为在圣保罗的科莫公园温室里盛开的数以百计的黄金菊。Hundreds of black-eyed susans bloom in St. Paul's Como Park Conservatory.

马萨诸塞州,新罕布什尔州和佛蒙特州和哥伦比亚特区。Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire y Vermont, así como el distrito de Columbia.

我和朋友一起住在米兰郊外的一栋别墅,它位于时尚的科摩湖区域。I am staying with friends in a villa outside of Milan, in the fashionable Lake Como area.

在尽情享受美食佳酿、酒足饭饱后,是时候回到科摩了。Utterly full after gorging on the delicious meat and wine, it was time to head back to Como.

但我会参加两个我妈妈一个月前帮我报名的营队。But I will take part in como summer camps for which my mother registered for me one month ago.

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科摩湖是意大利第三大湖,面积约146平方公里,形状像字母Y。Lake Como is the third largest lake in Italy, covering some 146 square kilometres in a sort of Y shape.

尽管科摩湖名声在外,但相对来说,它没有受到太多外在影响,依旧保持着一份乡村的宁静。Despite its glamorous reputation, Lake Como is still relatively untouched and has a rural charm about it.

当时梅德韦杰夫向时任波兰代总统的科摩罗夫斯基递交了67卷卡廷事件的有关文件。When Medvedev was appointed to the acting president of Poland submitted Petrovsky Como Katyn 67, the relevant documents.

凯特和密友维多利亚参加完巴黎的时装周之后上周从巴黎飞往科木。Katie herself jetted into Como last weekend from Paris after visiting the city's fashion show with new pal Victoria Beckham.

另一个重要的救市计划将是用资金巩固欧元区银行,用来吸收亏损。Otro punto importante del plan de rescate sería fortalecer a los bancos de la eurozona con capital como para absorber pérdidas.

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再加上美丽的科摩和伦巴第群山,这是我在欧洲度过的最美好的周末之一。Combined with the beautiful surroundings of Como and the Lombardy hills and this was one of the best weekends I have ever spent in Europe.

迷人的傍晚,金色的夕照,如果此时哥在科莫湖的假日酒店那铺洒着余辉的露台上,我会欣然同意审阅这篇文章。I agreed to review this Ms whilst answering emails in the golden glow of a balmy evening on the terrace of our holiday hotel on Lake Como.

孩子和大人们身着盛装齐聚一堂,表演这出露天舞台剧,不过它的剧本其实是根据佩里·科莫1959年的一段录音创作的。While costumed children and adults from the congregation act out the pageant, the narration is provided by a 1959 recording of Perry Como.