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他是位英明领袖。He is a wise leader.

他是一个小组长。He's a group leader.

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成为社交领袖。Be a gregarious leader.

他是个爱发号施令的领导。He is an officious leader.

那阿拉姆会是新的领导人么?So is Alam the new leader?

他会成为一个好的领导。He will make a fine leader.

那名领导人装出和蔼可亲的样子。The leader did the amiable.

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他们推他为领袖。They made him their leader.

他干过队长。He used to be a team leader.

用喇叭喊通骷髅中队长。Get Skull Leader on the horn.

他是个能干的小组长。He is a capable group leader.

狼头呼叫狼中队!Wolf Leader to Wolf Squadron!

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他们选我当小组长。They made me the group leader.

工党领袖菲尔。哥夫表示同意。Labour leader Phil Goff agreed.

他们选定李方做他们的头头。They make Li Fang their leader.

谁是女权主义的领导人?Who was the leader of feminism?

作为一家之主的自豪感。being a leader for your family.

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那么现在怎样,英勇无畏的领袖?So what now, oh fearless Leader?

项目的技术主管。Technical leader of the project.

狼的族群一般都会有个头领。The groups usually had a leader.