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不要污损图书馆的书籍。Don't deface library books.

在钞票上乱涂乱画是违法的。It's illegal to deface banknotes.

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冬季粗糙手,勿令毁君颜Then let not winter's ragged hand deface

粉笔痕迹破坏墙壁的外观。Chalk marks deface the wall of the house.

圣诞节的圣潮,其他的一切将被感染。The holy tide of Christmas all other doth deface.

轻率的男孩子们在桌面上乱画而把桌面弄坏了。Thoughtless boy have deface the desk by marking on them.

这是关于多谁污损小黑客网站。This is about more than petty hackers who deface websites.

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这些年轻人在抗争时用喷漆污损了建筑物的外观。The youths used spray paint to deface buildings during the riots.

皇帝本人都很不愿意毁坏了他自己的那些城市的壮丽景色。The emperor himself was interested not to deface the splendor of his own cities.

它会玷污风景的美,又或者是人们通向未来是美好标志呢?Will it deface the landscape, or is it a beautiful sign of moving into the future?

作废支票是否按规定销毁?或者剪角保留供以后检查?Are voided checks properly deface or mutilated and held available for subsequent inspection?

这一攻击使用密码破解来渗透攻击者想破坏的系统。This attack uses password cracking to penetrate the systems that the attacker wants to deface.

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你可以看见它不再只是"损毁",有许多方法,创作家可以"损毁"事物。You see it was much more complex than just "defacing, " there are many ways writers "deface" things.

事实上,2005年英国的一项研究表明,女孩们经常会将芭比娃娃毁容或肢解,而其他玩具却安然无恙。In fact, a 2005 British study revealed that girls often deface or mutilate their Barbie dolls while leaving their other toys unharmed.

任何损坏外观,破坏,打倒或删除按照本章要求放置的任何官方的交通信号都属于非法行为。It shall be unlawful for any person to deface , injure, knock down or remove any official traffic sign placed or erected as provided in this chapter.

虽然这种现象现在正在改变,但是女人们仍然会对丑化她们形象的广告感到愤怒,并进行不屈不挠的抗议。Although that is now changing, many women still feel angry enough to deface offending advertisements with stickers protesting, "This ad degrades women."

从知名度较高的几个以色列网站,到一页不起眼的反以色列特写,双方黑客们正在你来我往,互相攻击的不亦乐乎。Hackers on both sides worked to deface websites, with one attack successfully redirecting traffic from several high-profile Israeli websites to a page featuring anti-Israel messages.

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我们不能因为邪恶的行径和一些人的不当行为而谴责我们的宗教,更没有权利损害或者伤害任何人尤其是别人的妻子从而去丑化安拉的创造。We cannot blame religions for evil doings or if somebody behaves in a bad way. None has the right to deface Allah's creation by causing damage or hurt to anybody especially a man to his wife.