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接着,我们裸体相对。We then get into nudity.

但我并不讨厌裸露。But nudity doesn't bother me.

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在医院里,裸露没什么大不了的。At the hospital, nudity is no big deal.

这就是我们的羞于裸体的原因。That's where our shame of nudity comes in.

裸露是对基本社会契约的一种威胁。Nudity is a threat to the basic social contract.

没有那种裸体,也没有半夜还开着的留声机。None of this nudity and gramophones half the night.

小成本电影是含有许多裸体及血腥画面的低成本电影。B-movies are low budget movies with lots of nudity and blood.

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然而日本终究是个男女共浴的国度。Yet Japan is, after all, a country of public nudity in baths.

这个例子说明我们对裸露的态度有多么的灵活。It was an example of how flexible our attitudes to nudity are.

咳,我听说在公开场合“赤身?体”是不雅观的!Well, I've heard nudity is not the cheese on public occasions!

尤其是年轻的一代更是几乎不受传统影响,全然接受裸体艺术。The Gen Y in particular is probably the least affected by nudity.

最近纽约舞台上出现裸体的事情已经成为街谈巷议的话题。Recent nudity on the New York stage has been the talk of the town.

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全身或上身赤裸在贫穷的巴尔干半岛国家仍然是被禁止的。Nudity and topless bathing are still taboo in the poor Balkan country.

另一个被试探的领域是主持人的裸露程度。Another area being tested concerns the degree of nudity of the presenters.

我也相信那些炫耀他们裸体的人是自私的不体谅人的。I also believe those who flaunt their nudity are inconsiderate and selfish.

这个印尼版杂志载有一些衣著暴露但非裸体的女性照片。The Indonesian Playboy included pictures of scantily clad women, but no nudity.

包含女性裸体的绘画、电影和展览都十分流行。Paintings, films and exhibitions that contained female nudity were all the rage.

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裸露的限制,特别是豁免非性艺术和母乳喂养。Restrictions on nudity specifically exempt non- sexualized art and breast feeding.

她仍然不着一缕,但裸体一向是为俄罗斯古典艺术所接受的。She was still unclothed, but nudity had long been accepted in classical Russian art.

在可露也可不露的环境中我可以接受裸露,不过也就只能接受这么多。I have no problem with nudity in clothes optional environments, pity there weren't more.