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仅就此一点,它将给这类显微外科手术带来革命。Simply put, it will revolutionise this type of micro-surgery.

我们希望他能为音乐产业带来彻底的变革。We're hoping he can revolutionise the music industry, ” said Matteo.

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据称,这种全天候的夜光材料还能够促进诊断医学的革新。It says the all-weather material could also revolutionise diagnostic medicine.

它们被部署在300英里的范围内,用于在沼泽上作战。N5 ships, with a range of nearly 300 miles, were intended to revolutionise swamp warfare.

那些章程试图把球队改造为更加熟练,专业的一体。This was a constitution, intended to revolutionise the team into a slick, professional outfit.

电子政务会否变革市民与政府之间相互影响的渠道,以及改变政府的民主架构?Will it revolutionise the way citizens interact with government and alter the fabric of democracy?

它们不单单被制造出来,而且它们独一无二的能力可能会给消费电子带来改革。They've not only been made, but their unique capabilities might revolutionise consumer electronics.

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本期的酷比科技带给大家的是一群将对外太空探索产生革命性影响的微型传感器。This month's cubed explores how swarms of tiny sensors could revolutionise remote space exploration.

据制造商说,新一代的超薄荧屏将要使家庭娱乐发生彻底变革。A new generation of super-slim screens will revolutionise home entertainment, according to the makers.

人们对使用互联网和新技术来使健康问题革命化的方法心存疑虑。Concerns have been raised about the use of the internet and new technologies to revolutionise health care.

他与电子音乐师大卫·考克柔的合作帮助电子音乐实现了大变革。But it was his collaboration with music engineer David Cockerell that helped revolutionise electronic music.

其制造商是阿利安特技术系统公司。该公司称,这种武器将给地面作战带来的。The makers, Alliant Techsystems, say that the weapon will revolutionise ground combat much as the machine gun.

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这是一个令人信息的发展,并且成为多年生草本种植的一个革命。This is an exciting development that could revolutionise the way that perennials are established in public places.

这种技术也将会变革教育,虚拟学习方式取代传统课堂。Such technologies will surely revolutionise education too, with virtual learning replacing the traditional lecture.

发展中国家有机会向前迈进并会以一种今天没有人认为可能的想法去改革这个世界。Developing countries have the chance to step forward and revolutionise the world in a way no-one thought possible until now.

一种模拟悬铃木种子作螺旋运动的巨型风力涡轮机横空出世,它可能给风力发电产业带来革命性变化。A giant wind turbine design that mimics the spiralling motion of a sycamore seed could revolutionise the wind power industry.

谢尔盖·布林目前的基金正尝试改革搜索引擎,使之能为治疗帕金森疾病服务。Google co-founder Sergey Brin is currently funding an attempt to revolutionise the search for a cure for Parkinson's disease.

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这项协议令人想起2003年苹果iTune网络音乐店推动的唱片工业革命。The agreement mirrors the way that Apple's iTunes music store helped revolutionise the record industry when launched in 2003.

科学家最近发现了人和猿之间一个“丢失的联系”,可以彻底改变我们对进化的理解。The discovery of a 'missing link' between man and apes could revolutionise our understanding of how we evolved, scientists say.

这是一项打造“超级战士”的绝密军事计划,如果计划进展顺利的话,它会使战争发生彻底的变革。This was a top-secret military project to create a breed of 'super-soldier' who, if all went to plan, would revolutionise warfare.