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以应用程序为中心是一种通用方式Application centricity is a universal approach

人的主体性一直是西方近现代哲学的中心问题。Human's principal part is a centricity in modern philosophy of the West all along.

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您有什么其它建议可以帮助零售商更好地做到以顾客为核心?Do you have any other recommendations for retailers moving to customer centricity ?

即使是最好的'一刀切,所有的产品不能达到这个水平的用户为中心。Even the best 'one-size-fits-all' product cannot reach this level of user centricity.

有项目团队管理的实际经验。Demonstrated project management skills, including customer centricity and team building.

当前的武器装备体系越来越突现了网络的特征。The modern weapon System of Systems has demonstrated more and more network centricity characteristics.

也许你能够用当前系统实现这个目标,但是没有伙伴中心性这将是非常复杂的。You might be able to achieve this goal with current systems, but without party centricity it is much more difficult.

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这一转变的一个重要方面我称之为“伙伴中心性”,它指的不仅是“客户中心性”。An important aspect of this shift is what I call "partner centricity," which is more than just "customer centricity."

而一旦中国城市的经济模式占有优势,中国的资本主义就倾向于政治依赖和以政府为中心。Whenever and wherever urban China dominates, Chinese capitalism tends toward political dependency and state centricity.

反理性、肤浅性、非中心性和商品性就是这种文化模式的主要特征。The main feature of such a cultural mode is the anti-rational, superficial, non- centricity and commodity characteristic.

同时,我们的文化给予我们些骗人的故事,从传统宗教到资本主义正统都是这样的,这些则巩固了我们的中心性。Meanwhile, our cultures offer us beguiling stories, from traditional religions to capitalistic orthodoxies, that assure our centricity.

通过这样的叙事方式,网络电影打破了传统电影叙事的固定化和中心性,从而消解了电影叙事的崇高性和神圣性。By doing this, the movie breaks the fixity and the centricity of the traditional narrative. Thus it defuses the movie narrative noble and sacred nature.

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一个城市的人口密度,从事具辐射功能行业的人口比例等均能反映其中心性的大小,而行业结构则是影响中心性的关键因素。Key city's centricity is reflected by both population density and proportion of people whose occupations have motive function, while industry structure is the key factor to influence centricity.