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可见它是有优势的。There is an elegance about it.

乔安娜具有一种天生的高雅气质。Joanna has natural grace and elegance.

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简约、高雅和效率。Simplicity, elegance and effectiveness.

风华是一指流沙,苍老是一段年华。Elegance is a means sand, old is a Love.

在这里要表现得高贵优雅一点。Act with some elegance and refinement here.

这是他那时代古老的高贵气派。This was the antiquated elegance of his day.

完美尺度,定义贵仕优雅格调。Perfect scale, define your official elegance.

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“典雅浴缸”是一款终极减压产品。The Elegance bath is the ultimate de-stresser.

巴黎世家很快就来到巴黎体现优雅。Balenciaga soon came to embody Parisian elegance.

今天,弥漫其间的优雅风姿依然如故。Today the time-honored elegance still pervades it.

地毯使房间有了一种优雅的气氛。The carpet imparted an air of elegance to the room.

灯酒相辉,芳雅相应。Light vied with wine, elegance mixed with fragrance.

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酒店装修高贵典雅,有直达电梯到各楼层。The decoration of the hotel is dignity and elegance.

简单的说,古云教育是一家关于知识的公司。To be direct, Elegance is a company about knowledge.

他希望从中得到高雅。And he would aim for certain kinds of elegance in them.

它最大的优点是轻巧、优雅和美观。It is excellent for its handiness, elegance and beauty.

优雅及独特的野味混然一身。ELEGANCE and unique GAMEY flavour certainly comes along.

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这些家具使这个房间具有一种优雅的气氛。The furnishings imparted an air of elegance to the room.

曲尽人情,雅不离俗。Third, songs to make human elegance not to leave vulgar.

“精致实用”是阿格尼丝永远的追求。"Elegance & Duration" is the forever commitment of AGNES.