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他们一听到这则好消息,就欢跃起来。They brisked up perceptibly at the good news.

这几年来,我和托特博士的关系显然愈加密切。My relationship to Dr. Todt had become perceptibly closer in recent years.

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在命题中,思想通过一种可由感官感觉到的方式来表达。In the proposition the thought is expressed perceptibly through the senses.

胶骨中等长度,可以察觉到骨骼比腿部细腻一些,略微倾斜。Pasterns of moderate length, perceptibly finer in bone than the leg, and slightly slanting.

至于腾空的二手房,或转让或出租,行情也是年年见长。As for the vacated secondary rooms, or transfer or lease, the situation is mid-grow perceptibly.

但是他注视着海水如何拍打在他手上,发觉船走得显然慢些了。But watching the movement of the water against his hand he noticed that it was perceptibly slower.

珍妮一见棺材,登时觉得浑身僵硬,仿佛神经通过电流一般。Jennie stiffened perceptibly , her nerves responding as though to a shock from an electric current.

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在北方,此一停顿时间较短,因此交谈时,对应的往来就明显地较快。In the North there is a shorter pause, so conversations tend to go back and forth perceptibly faster.

我多年来无法克制的高潮的欲望感觉到已经减少了。The compulsion to orgasm, which I had been unable to quell for many years, has diminished perceptibly.

不过,对于以操控和动力见长的福克斯,内饰做工则略嫌平庸。However, regarding controls Fox who and the power grows perceptibly , in the decoration works slightly dislikes mediocrely.

多西以防守和篮板球见长,火箭希望他能够成长为一位罗德曼式的篮板怪兽。Many west defends and the rebound grows perceptibly , the rocket hoped that he can grow is a Rodman's-like backboard monster.

东山区是广州最负盛名的教育强区,以发展“总部经济”见长。Guangzhou Dongshan District is the most prestigious Jiaoyuqiangqu. for the development of "Headquarters economy" grow perceptibly.

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在“四大天王”中以舞艺见长的郭富城,并没有因为年龄的增长对自己降低标准。Dances Guo Fucheng who in the four great heavenly gods grows perceptibly , not, because the age growth lowers the standard to oneself.

一项新研究发现,甚至连最温和的午餐时段漫步也能马上明显振奋情绪,提高工作中的抗压能力。A new study finds that even gentle lunchtime strolls can perceptibly — and immediately — buoy people's moods and ability to handle stress at work.

他知道孩子每一年会长大,他们的身体、表情和面容也会改变。He knows the children who grow older each year, whose build, expression and appearance change—sometimes more pronouncedly , sometimes barely perceptibly.

众所周知,华远房地产公司在项目开发上绝对是强项,但在配套服务上并不见长。As we all know, Huayuan real estate development companies in the project is absolutely strengths, but does not grow perceptibly in the supporting services.

众所周知,在诺基亚手机家族中7系列手机向来以设计见长,往往会在造型和款式设计有独出心裁之处。It is well known, 7 series handsets always designs in the Nokia handset family grows perceptibly , often has in the modelling and the design design is original the place.

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对面高高低低的树丛里,柳枝在微风中曼舞,簇簇柳叶轻轻摇曳,宛如女人的秀发。In the ragged hedge on the opposite side the boughs of the elm trees swayed just perceptibly in the breeze, and their leaves stirred faintly in dense masses like women's hair.

实验结果表明,加入筛选步骤后,在最终结果性能基本不损失的前提下,整个软硬件划分-任务调度过程的速度有明显提高。Experimental results show that the speed of the full partitioning-scheduling flow with filtrating process is perceptibly increased without losing the performance of final results.

他的山水诗以情景交融见长,诗人善于描绘自然景物、环境气氛,作品往往具有很强的感染力。His scenery poem shows perceptibly by fitting scenery and feeling together. He is good at describing the natural scenery and the environment. People are often impressed strongly by his work.