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我在都市里每天都吃。I eon them every day in the city.

同意撤退信号并报告。Agree eon retreat signal and report.

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愿世界得太平,人间持善意。Peace eon earth and good will towards men.

东海岸的日出是一道特别的景观。Sunrise eon the eastern coast is a special event.

在早期的国贸生产债券电影指挥官债券戴劳力士潜艇。In the early eon production bond films commander bond wore a rolex submariner.

这是哲学中最为崇高的一个命题,谁能禅悟,谁将成为永世不败的火焰。This is the philosophy of the most noble of a proposition, who can Zen Wu, who will become the flame of EON unbeaten.

元古宙的气候仍是温暖而潮湿的,但较太古宙温度有所降低。The proterozoic climate was still warm and wet but compared with that of the archaeozoic eon the temperature fell a little.

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在过去的五亿年的时间里地球所经历的最严重的物种灭绝中,巨大规模的火山喷发似乎扮演了重要角色。The biggest volcanic eruptions of the past half eon had seemed a likely culprit in the greatest mass extinction Earth has seen.

秦岭-大别造山带的发展演化与全球联合古陆的形成与裂解十分相似。The development and evolution of Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt is quite similar to the formation and splitting of the Pangea since Phanerozoic eon.

在写法上,好发议论,善于使事用典,具有“以鉴赏为诗”的特点。七古最能代表作者的艺术水平。Many discussions and allusions are among the appreciative features of the work, the old-style seven-word-poem eon specially reflect the author's artistic level.

顶、底界线清晰,与下伏太古宙变质花岗岩系及上覆中元古界熊耳群均呈角度不整合接触。Discordances existed between Fangniushan quartzite series and underlying Archean Eon metamorphic granite series, and overlying the Mesoproterozoic Era Xionger Group.