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重新运行此测试。Rerun this test.

编译成功,我们接着回车。It works. Let me go ahead and rerun.

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也许重播的是我们没看过的那集。Maybe it's a rerun we haven't seen yet.

我们绝不能让去年的悲剧重演。We mustn't rerun the tragedy of last year.

当您重新进行测试时它们应该通过。When you rerun the tests, they should pass.

我们继续然后返回sizeof,敲Enter键。So let me go ahead and rerun sizeof and hit Enter.

但是,如果现在我重新运行该行为,我又收到一个新的错误。But now if I rerun the behavior, I get a new failure.

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代码的重新运行的结果是一个成功的声明。And a rerun of the code results in a successful assertion.

但是在您重新运行转换之前,再添加一个项。But before you rerun the transformation, add one more item.

重新编译我的程序,现在返回foo和bar的。argv Recompile my program, and now rerun Arg V of foo and bar.

随着新队列、主题和其他对象的添加,脚本被再次运行。As new queues, topics, and other objects are added, the scripts are rerun.

可以根据需要多次保存、检索、重新运行卸载作业。Unload jobs can be saved, retrieved, and rerun as many times as necessary.

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也可能会看重播的霍根英雄——他唯一能忍受的电视节目。Maybe he’d watch a rerun of “Hogan’s Heroes, ” the only show he could abide.

纠正它,重新运行应用程序,每个比萨饼的价格应该不一样了。Fix that, rerun the application, and the prices should change for each pizza.

RUP定义验收测试不够充分,只是作为系统测试用例子集的重新运行。RUP defines the AT insufficiently, merely as a rerun of a subset of the ST test cases.

您可以取消选中任意连接器文件并稍后运行这个向导来生成它们。You can deselect any of the connector files and rerun the same wizard to generate them later.

迭代开发的一个明确的任务是需要为每个新的迭代再次运行旧的测试。An explicit task of iterative development is the need to rerun old tests for each new iteration.

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类似地,任何覆盖不稳定的代码区域的测试可能需要每天都重新运行。Similarly, any tests that cover volatile areas of the code may need to be rerun on a daily basis.

经典励志日剧「阿信」于本月份在湖南卫视重播,引起新世代观众的热烈迴响。The rerun of Japanese soap opera, A Xin , is a big hit among a new generation of television viewers.

在我听过的最棒的推销提问里,有一个是在我看爱丽“麦克比的电视秀重播时看到的。One of the best sales questions I"ve ever heard was while I was watching an Ally McBeal TV show rerun."