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我们在给一个小花园栽植花草。We are planting a small garden.

土太干了,不能种东西。The soil is too dry for planting.

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提姆叔叔正在种植一棵木棉树。Uncle Tim is planting a kapok tree.

我在种树。种得直吗?I'm planting a tree. Is it straight?

栽那些树用了他整整一个星期的时间。Planting the trees took him all week.

她喜欢种植花草树木。She likes planting trees and flowers.

我们无意间看到一些人在栽树。I saw someone planting trees by chance.

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中国计划增加早稻播种面积。China expects higher rice planting acre.

在栽树之前,我们必须挖坑。Before planting trees, we must dig holes.

首先我们先铲地,现在我们在播种。First we spaded it now we're planting it.

种植金盏菊或者柠檬?Growing lemon balm or planting marigolds?

发展旱稻种植有广阔的前景。Planting upland rice has broad prospects.

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保持思想开放并处处留心。Keep an open mind and keep planting seeds.

不建议在栽种后剪枝。Pruning after planting is not recommended.

现在许多学生在植树。Anumber of students are planting tree snow.

通过种植肉质植物庆祝世界地球日!Celebrate Earth Day by planting succulents!

假如我们是农夫,我们会种作物。If we were farmers, we'd be planting crops.

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少生孩子多种树。Bearing less babies and planting more trees.

在中国,植树节在03月12日。In China, Planting Trees Day is on March 12.

青年们正把树一棵棵种上。The young men are planting trees one by one.