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DST的成功引来许多模仿者。However DST fares, it seems to attract copycats.

控制系统可直接读取百灵达、田岛花样。Control system can directly read the design of DST & DSB.

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事实上,在某些地区夏时制可能导致了更高的能耗。In fact, in some regions, DST could actually cause the consumption of more energy.

在这方面,DST是先行者,它的合作伙伴学习到了DST在美国的交易经验。DST has been the pioneer, for several reasons.Its partners learned their trade in America.

例如,夏时制曾经在第二次世界大战和阿拉伯石油禁运等危机期间曾经被延长。For example, DST has been extended during crises such as World War II and the Arab oil embargo.

很多公司和我们接洽,但数字天空科技公司突围而出,是因为他们带来全球性的想法。A number of firms approached us, but DST stood out because of the global perspective they bring.

根据理论推导得出应用段塞测试压力数据可确定非自喷井IPR曲线。Base on theory derivation, a method is presented to determine IPR curves of non flowing wells by DST data.

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加工时只需对绣花机电脑所要处理的DST文件做简单的修改,即可完成所需图案的切割。The DST files performed by embroidery computers should be modified simply in order to match the figures incised.

本文详细介绍了1比特DSD编码技术的原理,和DST无损压缩方法的原理。This article introduces the principle of 1bit DSD technology and the principle of DST lossless compression algorithm.

诱导DST的途径之一是要建立一种嵌合状态,其允许供体派生细胞在受体内生存。One way in which to induce DST is to establish a chimeric state that allows donor-derived cells to exist within a recipient.

方法回顾性分析了56例中低位直肠癌进行全直肠系膜切除联合双吻合器手术的临床效果。Methods Clinical data of 56 cases with middle or low rectal carcinoma and treated with TME combined with DST were reviewed retrospectively.

就DST而言,综合考虑一个国家的GDP和互联网覆盖率,就能够了解哪种网络商业模式有效,也知道成长空间还有多大。For its part, DST knows which web businesses work and how much room for growth they still have, given a country's GDP and internet penetration.

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与上海工厂及全国销售中心的管理层与员工保持积极有效的沟通,为其提供专业的人力资源相关事务咨询。Be active in daily communication with management and employees in DST and National Sales Center, provide professional consultation on HR affairs.

在世界大战期间,在1917年和1942年1月初,在夏季末实施夏时制。在1942年和1943年九月初,才于整个夏季都实施夏时制。During the world wars, DST was used for the late summers beginning January 1917 and 1942, and the full summers beginning September 1942 and 1943.

DST功能丧失之后会使气孔关闭增加和气孔密度减小,从而提高水稻的耐旱性和耐盐性。Loss of DST function increases stomatal closure and reduces stomatal density, consequently resulting in enhanced drought and salt tolerance in rice.

此外,银湖和DST公司对阿里巴巴进行要约收购后,将不会有任何表决权,因为这不符合中国外资所有权管理的相关规定。Moreover, Silver Lake and DST will not have any voting rights at Alibaba following the tender, in order to comply with China's foreign ownership rules.

通过模糊D-S证据理论的规则合成算法,最终获得了用户对整体产品评价及可靠度。The ultimate reliability of Kansei knowledge and Kansei evaluation of the products are acquired through a rule combination algorithm based on fuzzy DST.

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能源部的这份报告显示,夏时制的延长使美国全年电力消耗降低约半个百分点。The DOE report found that extended daylight saving time reduced annual U.S. electricity consumption by about half a percent during each day of extended DST.

本文采用数值模似与最优化方法相结合,提出了非自喷井钻柱测试资料分析的计算机自动拟合法,并编制了相应的计算机软件。Combining optimization method with numerical simulation, this paper presented an automatic method of analysis of DST data by computer, and compiled a software.

DST在俄罗斯拥有多项人气甚高的网络资产,涉及一系列通信、游戏和社交网站,类似于腾讯在中国的运营格局。DST owns several popular web properties in Russia through a portfolio of communications, gaming and social networking sites that closely mirrors Tencent's in China.