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血把她的头发粘在一起。Blood clotted her hair.

我有凝结了同类一个骑兵。I'd clotted like a trooper.

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凝脂奶酪海岸地。Past shores of clotted cream.

学生们群集在教师周围The students clotted around the teacher.

伤口周围的血很快凝结起来。The blood around the wound clotted quickly.

这条大街每天早晨都塞满了车辆。Every morning this street is clotted with traffic.

在那绚丽金黄色中填满冻奶油也是非常不错的。Clotted cream in all its yellow gorgeousness would be very good here, too.

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她的母亲在她沾着血迹的黑发下放了一块白色丝制哀衣。Her mother placed a white silk mourning cloth under her clotted black hair.

目的探讨外伤性凝固性血胸的诊断、发生原因及治疗方法。To investigate diagnosis, causes and treatment of traumatic clotted hemothorax.

PRC和移植材料保存在培养孔中,被额外的胎牛血小板所凝聚。PRC and graft materials were retained within well inserts and clotted by addition of bovine thrombin.

他那覆盖着污秽和鲜血的强大外形,更加深了民众对于这野蛮未知物的恐惧。His powerful form, clotted with filth and blood, fuelled the citizenship's fears of this feral menace.

当上周末奥运村开村时,浓云造成能见度急剧降低。When officials opened the Olympic Village over the weekend, visibility was sharply limited by clotted skies.

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但是布什先生坚持由一组记者来发问的笨拙形式。Bush is holding out for the cumbersome format of a panel of journalist questioners that has clotted past debates.

降烤饼送达草莓酱和凝块忌廉,送达一壶茶和额外的热水顶端了。Drop scones served with strawberry jam and clotted cream, served with a pot of tea and extra hot water to top it up.

Becker的研究发现吃巧克力者血小板凝结较不吃巧克力者更慢。Becker's research found that blood platelets clotted more slowly in people who had eaten chocolate than in those who had not.

研究了以大豆和鲜牛奶为原料发酵生产酸豆乳饮料的工艺。Clotted soybean milk was produced by fermentation from soybean and fresh milk as the raw materials, the technology for which was studied.

那得是传统的奶油茶点了—一种很大的自做的烤饼,上面有厚厚一层浓缩奶油和果酱,和一杯好茶一并入肚。That has to be the traditional cream tea- a giant home-made scone , caked with clotted cream and jam, and all washed down with a good cuppa.

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传统的下午茶包括精选的三明治,英式奶油松饼,还有蛋糕和其他甜点。Traditional afternoon tea consists of a selection of dainty sandwiches, scones served with clotted cream. Cakes and pastries are also served.

忘掉你那些钟爱的奶油,酪乳,干酪和凝结的奶油吧——所有这些都是高热量的非必须食品。Forget your beloved crème fraiche, buttermilk, aged cheddar cheese and clotted cream – all of those delectable but calorie-rich foods are out.

在成都已近午夜,数千市民试图乘车撤离城区以致陷入困境,车辆卡在已经凝结的街道上不能移动。Near midnight in Chengdu, thousands of people trying to evacuate the city by car became mired in gridlock , stuck bumper to bumper in clotted streets.