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请问机场出口在哪里?Asks the airport exportation in where?

大量供应出口苏铁种子。Sell Cycas revoluta seeds for exportation.

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我们专门经营中国丝绸服装的出口业务。Our specialization is the exportation of Chinese silk garments.

该规定考虑到了不合规定的物料立即再出口的情况。The regulation allows for immediate exportation of non-compliant WPM.

第三十四条属于禁止出口的货物,不得出口。Article 34 No goods that are prohibited from exportation may be exported.

中国已成为生产镁和出口镁的主要国家。China has become a main country in production & exportation of magnesium.

中国已成为生产镁和出口镁的主要国家。China has become a main country in production & exportation of primary magnesium.

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“关于禁止出口珍稀林木的法案必须尽快得到恢复,”他说。"The laws prohibiting such exportation must be reinstated as soon as possible, " he said.

下列货物的出关手续已经正式结清。The customs formalities for the exportation of the following cargo have been duly completed.

我们是声誉卓著的出口商,长期经营下列商品的出口业务。We are exporters of long standing and high reputation, engaged in exportation of following articles.

温州索尔特铸业有限公司系中国精铸出口企业联合会会员单位。Wenzhou Salter casting industry Co. , Ltd. is a member unit of China Finecast Exportation enterprise Union.

由或物的进口商负责不符合木质包装规定的物料的出口事宜。Exportation of non-compliant WPM will be the responsibility of the importer or importers of the merchandise.

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但即使这个编码,通过改变图表的标题不正确编码通过出口。But even by changing this encoding, the titles of my graphs are not correctly encoded through the exportation.

我们是信誉卓越的出口商,长期经营轻工产品的出口业务。We are the exporter of long standing and high reputation, engaged in exportation of light industrial products.

德罗里说,有些广告是诈骗,但其他真实和促进出口的灰鹦鹉。Drori says some of the advertisements are scams but others are real and contribute to the exportation of grey parrots.

一口通商制度不仅使闽茶外销陷入低谷,亦对国内产茶区与广州港产生重大影响。The policy isolated the relation between Guangzhou Port and Fujian, and suppressed the exportation of Fujian tea in fact.

这位公主在没有她所爱的织物而拒绝出嫁,最终将打破了皇帝桑蚕出口的禁令。The princess, refusing to go without the fabric she loved, would finally break the imperial ban on silk worm exportation.

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丰顺泰雅达脚轮厂是一家集研发、生产、加工与出口为一体的外向型实体企业。Fengshun Taiyada Caster Co. , LTD. is an export-oriented company integrating R&D, production, assembling, and exportation.

首先,本文对资源、劳动密集型产品出口的一些相关理论进行了介绍和比较。Firstly, this paper studies the correlation theory in the exportation of resource-intensive and labour-intensive products.

因此,使国家致富的两大手段就是限制输入和奖励输出。Its two great engines for enriching the country, therefore, were restraints upon importation, and encouragements to exportation.