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中绿色叶,平坦叶面。标准型。Medium green, plain, ovate . Standard.

中绿色叶,叶面凹凸。标准型。Medium green, ovate , quilted. Standard.

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萼裂片宽卵形到近圆形。Calyx lobes broadly ovate to suborbicular.

绿色和白色组合的斑叶,叶面平坦。标准型。Variegated green and white, plain, ovate. Standard.

重瓣白色折边星形花。中绿色蛋型叶。标准型。Double white ruffled star. Medium green, ovate. Standard.

中绿色和白色组合成的斑叶,叶面平坦。半迷你型。Variegated medium green and white, plain, ovate. semiminiature.

它是一年生草本,具卵形托叶和无毛的花丝筒部。It is an annual with ovate stipules and a glabrous filament tube.

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中绿色圆到一般型平坦叶,叶面光滑多毛,贝壳叶缘。标准型。Medium green, plain, ovate to pointed, glossy, hairy, scalloped. Standard.

重瓣深蓝色堇型花。绿色和白色组合成的斑叶,叶面平坦。半迷你型。Double dark blue pansy. Variegated green and white, plain, ovate. Semiminiature.

单瓣深紫色皱折花。中绿色近圆型叶,叶面平坦光滑。Single purple ruffled. Medium green, ovate to round, plain, glossy, hairy. Standard.

或长圆形的萼片卵形,直立或开展,侧对有时近囊状的基部。Sepals ovate or oblong, erect or spreading, base of lateral pair sometimes substrate.

重瓣亮粉红色堇型花。深绿色,粉红色,奶油色和白色组合成的平坦斑叶。半迷你型。Double light pink pansy. Variegated dark green, pink, cream and white, plain, ovate. Semiminiature.

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浆果长卵形或椭圆形,红色或橘红色。其味为甜、性平具有补肝益肾之功效。Medlar is long ovate or oval shaped, red or orange. It tastes sweet natured with the function of benefiting liver and kidney.

竹芋任一种美洲热带竹芋属的植物,包括竹芋,生有卵形的通常带有斑点的细叶和开形状不规则的花。Any of several tropical american plants of the genus maranta including the arrowroot having thin ovate usually spotted leaves and irregular flowers.