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想想什么能让生活更容易。Learn what makes life effortless.

WMF很是好用,价格也不错。WMF is effortless and well priced.

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如何成为一个“自在”的“成功者”How to Become an Effortless Achiever

他是一位很有技巧、驾轻就熟的机械修理工。He played the piece with effortless artistry.

操作简便,安装一步到位。One-step connection and effortless installation.

具有四种程序设置,搅拌轻松不费力。With four program settings, blending is effortless.

从妮卡的语气中也听得出轻松。Also hear to from the tone of the Ni card is effortless.

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一开始你是不稳定的,但是过一段时间就变得容易了。At first you were wobbly, but then it becomes effortless.

很容易的,30公斤-,几乎不用力,很轻便。Effortless. 30 kilograms-- Hardly any force. Very gentle.

就连它们的起飞和降落通常看起来也毫不费劲。Even their takeoffs and landings usually look effortless.

汤唯能够说标准的普通话、广东话还有英语。Ms.Tang speaks effortless Mandarin, Cantonese and English.

这就是你的本质,一个完全不需费力的平静和静止。This is your true nature, one of effortless peace and stillness.

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下面是一个非常简单的轻松制定决策的指南。What follows is a very brief guide to making effortless decisions.

我能将我存的钱再投入到轻松英语业务中去。I can take the money I save and re-invest it in Effortless English.

又能善获四不思议无作妙德。I also became endowed with four inconceivable and effortless wonderful virtues.

这就是大师们轻松的地创造奇迹的方法。That's how pros and virtuosi are able to make their wonders seem so effortless.

这样,你吸气时就会因你的肺部的真空而更加轻松。This should make the inhale almost effortless by creating a vacuum in your lungs.

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这款相机易携带,而且用它几乎可以不费力气的给孩子们拍出效果很好的照片。It slips into a pocket and makes taking great pictures of the kids nearly effortless.

内置的操作符使得文本搜索、替换和模式匹配轻而易举。The built-in operators make text searching, replacing, and pattern matching effortless.

如果恰当对待,不费力气的长时间成功的历史也可以成为驱动力。If properly handled, a history of long and effortless success may become a driving force.