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这一个骑脚踏车者似乎是稍微鱼似!This bicyclist seems a little fishy!

今天上班的路上看到一群骑单车的人。Today on my way to work I saw a flock of bicyclist.

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当地自行车耸耸肩当我问他的方向。A local bicyclist shrugged when I asked him for directions.

一位骑着自行车的人穿梭于盛开着樱花的潮汐湖畔。A bicyclist rides past cherry trees in bloom next to the Tidal Basin.

他们可能或可能无法移动,给自行车的空间。They may or may not be able to move over and give the bicyclist room.

它是由华盛顿地区自行车协会发起的一个项目。It is a sponsored project of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association.

在唐人街的时候,有一个骑车人见到我们是新墨西哥的牌照兴奋得大吼。While in Chine town, a bicyclist shouted after saw our New Mexico plate.

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在保护的自行车是主要的原因,自行车灯光设计。The protection of the bicyclist is the main reason that bike lights were designed.

我是一个在伊朗摩托车冠军。也是不错的骑车人和团结车手10-15年前。I was a motorcycle champion in Iran. also good Bicyclist and rally racer 10-15 years ago.

里奇是肯尼迪学校的田径教练。他可能要算协会里最出色,最有耐力的自行车运动员了。Rich coached track at kennedy and was perhaps the best and most durable bicyclist in the league.

实验证明该方法能较好地区分人、人群、车、自行车等目标。Experiments show that the method can accurately distinguish human being, crowd, car, and bicyclist.

这些结果应作为在设计未来的电动汽车碰撞行人和骑自行车的预防计划的指南。These results should serve as a guide when designing future HEVs' pedestrian and bicyclist crash prevention programs.

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如果骑自行车的人占用了太多空间以至于你无法与其共用车道,正确的超车程序应如何?What is the proper passing procedure for a motorist when bicyclist is occupying too much space for you to share the lane?

观看自行车专家解释什么导链上的山地自行车在此免费保养和修理自行车在线视频。Watch an expert bicyclist explain what the chain guide is on a mountain bike in this free online video on cycling maintenance and repair.

另一方面,自行车碰撞事故,路口或交流电动汽车均显着高于相比,冰车。On the other hand, bicyclist crashes involving HEVs at intersections or interchanges were significantly higher when compared to ICE vehicles.

在一个巷道是自行车最常见的位置崩溃涉及与无显着性差异都混合电动汽车和内燃机车辆。On a roadway was the most common location of bicyclist crashes involving both HEVs and ICE vehicles with no statistically significant difference.

该自行车回收项目是美国最大的类似组织,是由华盛顿地区自行车爱好者协会发起的。The bicycle recycling program is one of the largest in the United States. It is a sponsored project of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association.

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骑自行车的人走后,警官怀疑这名“打车客”酗酒和吸食可卡因,因而逮捕了他。Officers let the bicyclist go, but the man in search of a ride was taken to jail on suspicion of being under the influence of alcohol and cocaine.

开始一辆汽车吱嘎一下停在了几英寸外,狗仍然带着盲人在走,后来一个骑自行车的差点把他们撞飞,并咒骂了盲人几句。First a car comes screeching to a halt inches away from him, but still the dog leads on, then a bicyclist almost wipes them out and curses as he goes by.

最后,本研究发现,混合电动汽车有行人和骑脚踏车的事故发生率较高的比演习,在某些汽车内燃机车辆。In conclusion, this study found that HEVs have a higher incidence rate of pedestrian and bicyclist crashes than do ICE vehicles in certain vehicle maneuvers.