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是一个勤学好问的学生,活跃了班内气氛。Inquisitive student who adds to class atmosphere.

茄子做的企鹅们正在好奇地看什么呢?These inquisitive looking penguins are made of eggplant.

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同时,Stoddard说,不要太好奇。At the same time, says Stoddard, don’tget too inquisitive.

每一寸空间都射出好奇而又急切的目光。Inquisitive and eager eyes peered from every inch of space.

她的头部稍微倾斜,她的目光梦幻般的,略显好奇。Her head is slightly inclined, her gaze dreamy, inquisitive.

陈腔烂调的答案不能满足好奇的听众。A pat answer is not going to satisfy an inquisitive audience.

在高中力宏是一个勤学好问的学生。In high school, Lee-Hom was a curious and inquisitive person.

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保持一颗追根问底地心,不接受”现状“。Maintain an inquisitive mind and do not accept the status quo.

他是我见过的中国高级官员中最爱寻根究底的人。He was the most inquisitive Chinese of a high rank ?I have met.

哈丽特的好奇心使她成为一名从事研究的科学家。Harriet’s inquisitive mind led her to become a research scientist.

他发现自己就坐在一位好奇年老的绅士旁边。He found himself sitting next to an inquisitive elderly gentlemen.

他是一位体力活跃,非常好奇以及很好问的男孩。He is a physically active, super—curious and highly inquisitive boy.

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小孩并不笨,他们有极强的洞察力和好奇心。Kid's aren't dumb. They are deadly perceptive and highly inquisitive.

我信步随着好奇的贵妇们穿过几个房间。I sauntered through the rooms, following the inquisitive ladies of distinction.

娜塔莎睁开一对好奇的眼睛,惊讶地瞧着索尼娅,沉默不言。With inquisitive , wondering eyes, Natasha gazed at Sonya, and she did not speak.

作为一名学生,双子座人求知欲很强并且能迅速抓住知识要领。As a student, the Gemini man is very inquisitive and has a quick grasp of subjects.

埃德加·林惇好奇地直瞪她,总算不傻,把她认出来了。Edgar Linton, after an inquisitive stare, collected sufficient wit to recognize her.

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这些学生寄来的钱很少,附上的短信更加刨根问底。The amounts they sent were smaller, the notes that accompanied them more inquisitive.

我也不停地接到那些好奇的买家的电话,他们真的很有耐性,而且人数众多。The phones are also busier with inquisitive buyers, patient indeed, but more numerous.

人类是一群好奇的生物,但是我们的好奇会不会最终导致我们的毁灭呢?We're an inquisitive lot, we humans. But could our inquisitiveness ultimately kill us?