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并对两组纵隔进行彩色多普勒血流检查,结果进行组间比较。Color Doppler examine septal vascularity , the result was compared between two groups.

这些过程也受受体床的血运以及结构的影响。These processes are also influenced by the vascularity and composition of the host bed.

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方法采用彩色多普勒血流显像观察103例浆膜下肌瘤瘤体内动脉血流情况。Methods CDFI were performed in 103 cases with subserous myomas to study the myomas vascularity.

彩色多谱勒显示淋巴结门血管移位也是一些颈部肿块的特征。Colour Doppler flow imaging showed displacement of hilar vascularity within some cervical masses.

细胞可排列成巢状或条索状,同时血管分布也较为丰富。The cells may be arranged in nests or cords and endocrine tumors also have prominent vascularity.

肥大软骨细胞不能正常参与钙化,初级骨小梁血管进入骺板软骨受阻,初级骨小梁数量减少。The primary bone trabeculae vascularity blocked in EPC, and the number of the primary bone trabeculae decreased.

结论超声造影是实时、有效显示肝细胞癌肿瘤血管和血流灌注的方法。Conclusion CEUS is real-time, effective approach in revealing the intratumoral vascularity and the perfusion of HCC.

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结论胫骨前肌肌筋膜瓣解剖血管恒定,血运丰富。Conclusions The tibialis anterior muscle and deep fascia flaps possess regular vasa vasorum and abundant vascularity.

注意典型的血管构成,如图左边坏死区域肿瘤细胞呈栅栏状围绕。Note the prominent vascularity as well as the area of necrosis at the left with neoplastic cells palisading around it.

用高频探头扫查双侧颈部淋巴结有无肿大,描述肿大淋巴结的大小、形态、内部回声及血流情况。By high frequency probe the enlarged lymph nodes of the neck were evaluated for size, shape, echogenicity and vascularity.

外周的强化反应了炎性的淋巴结包膜的充血或淋巴结血供的增多。Peripheral contrast enhancement reflects hyperemia of the inflamed lymph node capsule or increased lymph node vascularity.

结论脑立体定向内窥镜切除脑深部肿瘤定位准确、损伤小,其适应证为边界清楚、血供不丰富的微小肿瘤。The indications for this intervention are small lesions deep in the brain parenchyma with well-defined boundary and light vascularity.

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其机理可能与抑制PLA_2活性、拮抗钙内流,扩肾血管有关。The mechanism might relate to its preventing intracellular calcium accumulation, inhibiting PLA_2 activity and dilating renal vascularity.

所有病人注射造影剂后于早期动脉相观察肿瘤内的血流灌注情况,并与动态增强CT结果比较。Tumor vascularity of every tumor was evaluated at the early arterial phase after injection of Levovist, and compared with that of dynamic CT.

图16,A,以前疤痕处的硬纤维瘤。B,彩色多普勒扫描以前瘢痕处的硬纤维瘤病变处显示一些血管供应。Figure 16. A, Desmoid tumor in a previous scar. B, Color Doppler scan of a Desmoid tumor in a previous scar revealing some vascularity in the lesion.

随着对组织血供以及间隙应变在骨折愈合中的作用理解不断加深,锁定钢板技术应运而生。Locked plate technology was developed as a conesquence of improved understanding of the roles of tissue vascularity and gap strain in fracture healing.

本文报告115例妇科肿瘤采用彩色多普勒技术观察子宫动脉和肿瘤血流,30例正常妇女作为对照组。Color Doppler flow imaging was performed in 115 cases of pelvic tumor and 30 normal women for control to observe the uterine artery and tumor vascularity.

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目的探讨增强CT扫描鉴别诊断肺内孤立性结节的意义以及强化程度与富血管度的关系。Objective To investigate enhanced CT scanning in differentiation of solitary pulmonary nodule and relationship between the degree and pattern of enhancement and vascularity.

目的探讨自制造影剂和超声显像新技术在诊断实验性转移性肝癌血管特征中的应用价值。Objective To investigate the application of a self made echo contrast agent and power Doppler imaging of ultrasonography on the vascularity of hepatic metastasis in experimental rabbits.

另外,图像分析法结果显示北票龙骨组织有较高的血管密度,表示它具有较高的新陈代谢率。The vascularity of the bone tissue, have been measured by using image analysis method, the relatively high vascularity of the bone tissue indicates a relatively high metabolic rate of this dinosaur.