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抹去沙滩人足迹。Efface the footprints in the sands.

把沙滩上的脚印抹掉。Efface the foot prints in the sands.

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他不能把这个印象从心中抹去。He could not efface the impression from his mind.

雪莉参加聚会时竭力不露面。Shriley did her best to efface herself at parties.

她宁愿避而不见来访者。She would have to efface herself before her visitor.

文字创造了生活,也删减记忆。Characters create the life and efface the reminiscence.

它抹去了小鼠们对其中一个玩具的记忆。Its efface small rat people right among them the memory of a toy.

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假如他拥有权力,他会抹杀人类的文明!Had he the power, he would efface the civilizations of the human race!

时光的流逝绝不会把那废墟的景象从我的记忆中冲淡。The lapse of year will never efface that scene of ruin from my memory.

我不相信蔓陀罗花,不相信时间也擦不掉血迹斑斑。I do not believe in mandrake, or in blood-stains that no time can efface.

这总比事后把话收回来或抹煞所留下的印象更为容易。This is easier than to take them back or efface their impression afterward.

黑人们似乎要取一个最不引人注意的姓,来抹杀自己的存在。It looks rather as if the Negro tried to efface himself by taking the name which would not bring any attention to him.

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除非一个人能承受抹去自己个性的长期斗争,否则,他根本写不出一些具可读性的东西。And yet it is also true that one can write nothing readable unless one constantly struggles to efface one's personality.

请你停下来吧,不然我要把午饭喷到你身上了。鲍勃说,你烦的我真想把你的名字从闪闪的获奖金匾上擦去。Please stop before I eject my lunch on you, Bob said. You make me want to efface your name from that shiny award plaque.

微微的波浪,用他们柔软而洁白的手,把沙滩上的足迹一一抹去。潮起,潮落。The little waves , with their soft , white hands , efface the footprints in the sands. And the tide rises , the tide falls.

但话又说回来,作家若不能努力隐去自己的个性,他便写不出什么值得一读的东西。And yet it is also true that one can write nothing readable unless one constantly struggles to efface one's own personality.

即要他派遣军队攻打以色列,粉碎他们的力量,扫荡耶路撒冷剩余的居民,将他们的纪念,由那地上除去。Lysias was to send an army against them to crush and destroy the power of Israel and the remnant of Jerusalem and efface their memory from the land.

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一个干部要有很强的党性和组织纪律性,但并不能因此就要求他抹去个性。A cadre should have very strong Party character and constituent discipline sex, but because this is about, can not beg his efface individual character.

经过几个小时或更长时间,凝胶开始起作用时,观察你的宫颈是否扩张,薄化或者变得柔软。After a few hours or longer of letting the gel do its work, you’ll be checked to see if your cervix is getting softer and beginning to efface and dilate.

当客纳罕人和这地方所有的居民听说这事,必来围攻我们,从地上将我们的名字抹去,那时你对你的大名要怎样办呢?When the Canaanites and the other inhabitants of the land hear of it, they will close in around us and efface our name from the earth. What will you do for your great name?