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我觉得没什么还说的。I don't say anythings whit me.

猫头鹰一点点嘟嘟叫。And the owl says to whit to whoooo.

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我希望你能幸福惠特我下跌。I hope you can fell happiness whit me.

然后我与我的妹妹去了动物园。Then I went to the zoo whit my sister.

然后我去了动物园一点点我的妹妹。Then I went to the zoo whit my sister.

我挑了一只可爱的黑白花猫。I picked out a cute black and whit one.

马厩已用水龙管冲洗过。The stables were sluiced out whit water from a hose.

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他们用软管引水冲洗马厩的地面。The stables were sluiced out whit water from a hose.

由于她的深色皮肤及眼睛,我误以为她是意大利人。Whit her dark skin and eyes, I took her for an Italian.

今天是星期天,我去公园中商一点点我的兄弟。Today is Sunday, I go to ZhongShang park whit my brother.

如果你想同别人竞争的话,先同自己的懒惰做斗争吧。If you want to compete with someone, compete whit yourself.

他因非法从基金中抽妯钱款而受到指控。He was charged whit siphoning off money illegally from the fund.

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品尝起来有非常柔顺的葡萄香味,甜梨和金色苹果的口感。Taste of mildly aromatic grapes, whit hints of peach, golden apples.

表明新浦东商品代鸡的肉质比白洛克鸡等肉用品种优良。These indicate that New Pudong's meat quality is superior to the Whit Rocks.

——我认为,在战争中杀人并不比普通的谋杀强上哪怕一点。To my mind, to kill in war is not a whit better than to commit ordinary murder.

他用公款盖房这件事真是腐败透顶。He built private houses whit public funds. The whole thing smells to high heaven.

记忆没有重量,它却可以鼓舞人在理想的空间飞翔。Memory whit no weight, but can encourage people to soar in the space of ideality.

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我讨厌那些苍白无力的文字,它们根本无法使你感到我所真正经历过的苦难。And I resent the weakness of these words to make you feel whit it was really like.

焊接棒用一个压条覆盖,同时应便于轻松移去。The welding bars are covered whit a strip teflon and studied to be easily removed.

与物理上相互隔离的SAN相比,VSAN可以提供更高的灵活性。Compared whit the isolation in physical in the SAN, VSAN can provide more flexibility.