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砖入境通道重音在葱郁的园林绿化。Brick entry walkway accented by lush landscaping.

你能为这项造景工程估个价吗?Could you give me an estimate on this landscaping job?

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鉴定一种常见园林绿化树种。Identify one kind of common landscaping seeds of trees.

注重边坡处理,沿河湿地造景。Focus on slope processing, landscaping along the wetlands.

附表建设和环境美化旱季期间。Schedule construction and landscaping during a dry season.

秋天,阴雨连绵,报纸不会沤烂么?。It shouldn't be newspaper, it should be landscaping fabric.

政府花了许多钱为这地区搞造园绿化。The government spent a lot of money on landscaping this area.

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并且探讨了地被植物在园林绿化中的应用。The application of ground cover plant in landscaping was discussed.

我们几乎重做了整套房子,从地板到园艺到衣橱。We basically redid the entire thing, from the floors to landscaping.

柳树的抗性极好,特别适合用于园林绿化。Willow has good resistance and is especially suitable for landscaping.

景观美化将最作为休闲活动区或用于农业灌溉用地。Landscaping will be used for leisure or irrigated as agricultural land.

菲尔要和他的小舅子一起开始一项景观美化的事业。Phil teamed up with his brother-in-law to start a landscaping business.

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因此,要注重做好园林绿化工程施工管理工作。Therefore, we should focus on good management of the landscaping works.

花岗石常作为主景雕塑,植物配置起烘托的作用。When landscaping around granite, plants are chosen to contract the stone.

园林绿化工程建设质量是项目建设的核心。The quality of garden landscaping is the core of the project construction.

洗浴后皮肤油腻,浑身舒畅,气血通顺,心旷神怡。Oily skin after bathing, every mind and the body fluent in its landscaping.

我从约翰那里借到了这一工具,他所从事的景观美化工作经常需要它的帮助才能完成。I borrowed one from John, who uses it to lift stone for his landscaping jobs.

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修剪是最容易女王棕榈园任务,就可以。Pruning Queen Palms is one of the easiest landscaping tasks that you can have.

壮观的雨树也被保留,并且纳入了景观之中。Magnificent old rain trees were retained and incorporated into the landscaping.

这是挑战的柞树美化环境,还可以刺激和乐趣。It is the challenges of oak tree landscaping that also make it exciting and fun.