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想看看巫妖王是怎被打败的?To see the Lich King destroyed?

他们是来监视巫妖王的!They are the Lich King's jailors!

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巫妖王在看著我们这些仆从!The Lich King watches over us minions!

巫妖王能够看到剑所见的一切。The Lich King sees what the sword sees.

寒冷不能让你躲过我的追捕,巫妖。The cold cannot hide you from me, Lich.

巫妖王连续地磨折着我。The LIch King tormented me without end, Darion.

巫妖王早已预言过我们之间的遭遇将会以什么方式结束。The Lich King told me how our encounter would end.

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当极恶巫妖离场时,你输掉此盘游戏。When Nefarious Lich leaves play, you lose the game.

一位新的巫妖王坐魔兽世界巫妖王之怒在了冰封王座上。A new Lich King now took poe ion of the Frozen Throne.

有趣的是,西瓦娜斯和巫妖王是相连的。Interestingly, Sylvanas is connected to the Lich King.

这些不死的巨龙是巫妖王大人最爱的宠物。These undead dragons are the Lich King's favored pets.

只要巫妖王活着,西瓦娜斯就不会被杀。As long as the Lich King lives, Sylvanas can never be killed.

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而妖族集团也丧失在前史的长河中。But the group also lost in the lich before the river of history.

Roy从他击败的强大邪恶巫妖那里夺过来作为战利品带在身上。Roy took it as a trophy from a powerful evil lich he vanquished.

巫妖王施放了一个传送法术,消失了。提里奥向倒下的达里安走去。The Lich King disappears. Tirion walks over to where Darion lay.

71一个强大的巫妖释放了一个不死部落以对抗一座矮人城市。A powerful lich has unleashed an undead horde against a dwarf city.

最终,他成为了巫妖王手下最有价值的仆人之一。Eventually he became one of the Lich King's most valuable servants.

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这个时间是通往巫妖王之怒的许多事件的其中一个。This event is just one of many leading up to Wrath of the Lich King.

这把堕落的剑背叛了我们,强迫我们屈从于巫妖王的意志。The corrupted sword betrayed us. Made us to submissive of the lich king.

玛瑟亚斯被放逐了,然后巫妖王从五年的沉睡中醒了过来!Matthias is cast out and the Lich King awakens from his 5 year "slumber".