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我来给你开点药。I'll prescribe some medicine for you.

你能为我开点治背痛的药吗?Can you prescribe for the pain in my back?

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请开一些镇定剂给我。Please prescribe some tranquilizers for me.

请为我开药方治烧伤。Please prescribe some medicine for the burn.

我们拒绝为这些药开处方。We are refusing to prescribe this medication.

好市民总是遵纪遵法。Good citizens always do what the laws prescribe.

我给你开点儿药和止咳糖浆。I'll prescribe you some medicine and a cough syrup.

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我给您开点药和止咳糖浆。I'll prescribe you some medicine and a cough syrup.

医生,请你绐我开一些咳嗽药,可以吗?Can you prescribe something for my cough please, doctor?

是的。我要给你开一些治咳嗽的药以及一些抗生素药丸。Yes, I'll prescribe some cough medicine and some antibiotic.

很多人做数独,事实上,有些医生将它开作处方。A lot of people do Sudoku. In fact some doctors prescribe it.

但是儿科医生没有自始至终地开出维生素点滴的处方。But pediatricians do not consistently prescribe vitamin drops.

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他们会诊断有忧郁症状,然后开速悦给他吃。They would diagnose depression and prescribe benzo diazapines.

别着急,没什么大问题,我先给你开点药。Do Patient! Don't worry. I will prescribe some medicine to you.

你觉得他们会故意给你开一些很贵的药么?Do you think they intentionally prescribe you expensive medicines?

有些医生处方以别的兴奋剂代替白兰地。Some physicians prescribe other stimulants in the place of brandy.

医生同意让维姬在周五服下结束生命的药剂。He agreed to prescribe the drugs that would end her life on Friday.

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法律允许医生给16岁以下未成年人开避孕药。The law allows doctors to prescribe contraception to the under 16s.

为了治疗丝虫病,卫生工作者通常会使用DEC片剂。To combat filariasis, health workers usually prescribe DEC tablets.

验光师有资格检查你的眼睛及配眼镜。An optician is qualified to examine your eyes and prescribe glasses.