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第五季。Fifth Season.

第五交响曲Fifth Symphony?

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第五道封印是什么?What's the fifth seal?

米兰德比在第五轮?The derby on the fifth?

第五个字是七。The fifth word is seven.

第五部分是对全文的总结。The fifth part is sum-up.

从右边数第五个词。The fifth word from right.

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那名拳击手在第5回合佯倒了。The boxer dove in the fifth.

现在第五季了。Bones is in its fifth season.

联合是第五个C。Coalescence is the fifth "C."

第五,鲜明的人民性。Fifth is vivid of the people.

她住五楼。She lives on the fifth floor.

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这是第五条戒律。That is the fifth commandment.

第五名则是市立木栅动物园。The Taipei Zoo won fifth place.

没有很多人念五年,Not many people have fifth years

联赛第五还是有希望的。Of course fifth is still do-able.

对,是贝多芬的第五交响曲Okay, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.

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品尼高点在第五洞。The fifth hole at Pinnacle Point.

五是陈旧型新闻事实。The fifth is Old-type News Facts.

杨女士住在五楼。Ms. Yang lives on the fifth floor.