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我可以请户主听电话吗?Can I speak to the householder.

居士!余来自阿槃提国。I come from Avanti, householder.

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信封上写明弗拉埃里巷16号住户收的一封信。A letter addressed to the householder 16friary lane.

一个房主想找一些工人,他会给他们一天一便士。Here a householder looks for laborers that he will pay a penny a day.

目前的住户本周未搬出去,我下星期三搬进去。At present, the householder doesn't move out, so I am about to move in next Wednesday.

目前的住户本周未搬出去,我下星期三搬进去。The present householder will move out by this weekend and I'll move in by next Wednesday.

师父的其中一位主要的居士门徒拉姆钱德拉杜塔也住在加尔各答。Ramchandra Dutta, one of the chief householder disciples of the Master, lived in Calcutta.

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其时,质多居士来诣此等长老比丘住处,礼拜彼等,坐于一面。Then Citta the householder went to them and, on arrival, having bowed down to them, sat to one side.

最先来到达克希什瓦的两位居士奉献者是罗姆姜德拉格泰和曼奴莫罕密特拉。The first two householder devotees to come to Dakshineswar were Ram Chandra Dutta and Manomohan Mitra.

诸县投票权准则与1867年市镇业主和住户投票权看齐5brought the franchise in the counties into line with the 1867 householder and lodger franchise for boroughs

具寿舍利弗如是说已,那拘罗父居士喜悦,而喜欢于具寿舍利弗之所说。That is what Ven. Sariputta said. Gratified, the householder Nakulapita delighted in Ven. Sariputta's words.

彼时有那拘罗父居士,来诣世尊之住处。诣已,坐于一面。Then the householder Nakulapita went to the Blessed One and on arrival, having bowed down to him, sat to one side.

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绿色植物是大客厅中最好的点缀,也是户主在居室中亲近大自然的好对象。Greenery is the best ornament in stateroom, also be the good boy or girl friend that householder is close to nature in the bedroom.

上门服务者迟到超过10分43秒,就别指望户主给你倒杯茶了。And tradesmen arriving to a job more than 10 minutes, 43 seconds late should not expect a cup of tea from their impatient householder.

户主对居民户口簿应妥善保管,严禁私自涂改、转让、出借。Second, the householder should keep resident's household register properly, forbid altering , transfering , lending without permission.

村寨里宰牲畜,户主都要给各户分一节大肠和几勺鲜血,民间有不见牲血不吃肉之说。Slaughter cattle, householder in villages of all households points section e. and scoops of blood, folk have no blood sacrifice of not eating meat.

中国的民族文化特征决定了适应中国国情的公司治理模式应是家长式治理模式。The chinese culture traits determine that the corporate governance mode that fits the situation in china should be the householder governance mode.

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不久之后,夜贼闯进他们家时那条狗却一直在睡觉。这家的主人去找那个商人告诉他这件事。Shortly afterwards the house was broken into at night by burglars while the dog was asleep. The householder went to the dealer and told him about it.

家。从我们去年搬家至今,对门的房子一直是空着的,而且从来没见户主来过。他家的窗户没封,有时候周六周。Home. From last year since we moved on, the house has been empty, and have never seen householder come. His windows no letter, sometimes Saturday week.

群鹤公寓的女老板和公寓里那些华美家具的女主人卜露太太,不能算是一个特别好管闲事的女人。Mrs. Brooks, the lady who was the householder at the Herons, and owner of all the handsome furniture, was not a person of an unusually curious turn of mind.