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当前财富的分配不公也是可耻的。The current maldistribution of wealth is also scandalous.

平衡节点的设置不同将导致市场各成员的利益分配不均。The different setting of slack bus lead to the benefit maldistribution in the market.

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头发高钾发映了身体的钾的保持力或这一元素的分配不平衡。Elevated K in hair may reflect overall retention of K by the body or maldistribution of this element.

新疆水资源具有分布不均、成分复杂等特点。The water resource in XinJiang has the characteristic such as maldistribution and complicate composition.

本文通过测试扁管温度分布,来评价微通道冷凝器管内流量分配特性。Testing temperature distribution of tubes was proposed to evaluate flow maldistribution in microchannel condenser.

通过计算曲线,直观地表示出液相不均匀分布和汽相横向混合对填料塔当理理论塔板数的影响。The influences of liquid maldistribution and the lateral mixing of gas on the equivalent NTP are shown by the curves calculated.

得到了不同封头结构的物流分配不均匀特性与雷诺数之间的关系式。The correlations of the flow maldistribution characteristic with Reynolds number are obtained under different header configurations.

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这种方法中,由于反应过程中反应物分布不均而容易导致所得的纳米粒子粒径分布变宽。But this method is prone to cause the size distribution of nanoparticles becomes scattered because of the maldistribution of reactants.

膜生物反应器中同步硝化反硝化的发生符合反应器溶解氧分布不均理论以及缺氧微环境理论。Nitrification and denitrification accord with the theory of maldistribution of DO and theory of deficiency of oxygen in microenvironment.

世界银行组建非洲卫生工作组的目的在于解决非洲卫生工作者短缺、工作效率低下以及分布不当等问题。The World Bank’s African Health Workforce Program was created to address the shortage, low productivity, and maldistribution of health workers throughout Africa.

由于在设计、制造、装配和运行中的种种问题引起其内部流动的不均匀分配,会造成换热器效能的严重下降。The fluid flow maldistribution caused by many factors in designing, manufacturing, assembling and operating leads to performance deterioration of PFHE seriously.

管内制冷剂流量分配不均对微通道换热器有重要影响,会导致其能力退化。Refrigerant flow maldistribution in multiple flat tubes is important for microchannel heat exchanger, which leads to performance deterioration and capacity degradation.

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回顾了气液两相在T形管处流动时对相分离的最初研究及起因,随着研究的进一步深入,T形管作为两相流分离器逐渐受到石油和化学工业界的重视。With further research on such maldistribution , the T-junction acting as phase separator of two-phase flows has gradually caught attention of petrochemical and chemical industries.

利用来自肯尼亚卫生人力信息系统的护士人力数据来确定紧急护士招聘计划对护士短缺和分布不均产生的影响。We used data from the Kenya Health Workforce Informatics System on the nursing workforce to determine the effect of the Emergency Hiring Plan on nurse shortages and maldistribution.

这表明在高压下规整填料的传质效率随压力的增加而下降,这主要归因于气相返混和液相在填料内的不均匀分布。It indicates the reduction of mass transfer efficiency of the structured packing at high pressure is mainly due to the effect of vapor backmixing and the subsequent liquid maldistribution.

实验结果表明,原始封头内部的物流分配存在严重的不均匀性,采用添加打孔挡板之后的改进型封头,流场的不均匀性有了很大的改善。It is found that the fluid flow maldistribution is very serious for conventional header while the improved header configuration with punched baffle can effectively improve the performance.