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有时候需要回访你的老客户。Sometimes that will mean surveying old customers.

通过电话为市场研究进行统计调查。Qualitative surveying over the phone for market research.

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该文介绍了RTK在航道测量中的应用情况。The paper introduces application of RTK in channel surveying.

他轻轻地吹着口哨,眼睛环视着凌乱不堪的家具。He whistled softly, surveying the mess of disarranged furniture.

史松双手叉腰,骑在马上掠阵。Their Captain sat on his horse, arms akimbo, surveying the scene.

在大地测量中,病态问题是广泛存在的。Ill-conditioned problems are widely existed in geodetic surveying.

同时,里程计、GPS提供的量测信息往往是含有野值的。Meanwhile, it often contains outliers in odometer and GPS surveying.

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厂里的工程师正在对即将进口的设备进行考察。The engineer of the factory is surveying the equipment to is import.

浅地层剖面仪是应用非常广泛的海上调查仪器。The subbottom profiler is a widely used marine surveying instrument.

我发现这个园丁——家里一个服侍多年的仆人,愁眉苦脸地审视着这个场景。I found the gardener, a family retainer, morosely surveying the scene.

蒙特哥摩利正悄悄忙于勘察克什米尔境内的山峰。G. Montgomerie, was quietly busy in surveying the mountains of Kashmir.

他找到他的砍刀,并查看他周围阴暗的森林。He finds his machete and stands surveying the gloomy forest around him.

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“喂,Cath,”男子一边检查她正推着的购物车一边说。"Hey, Cath, " the man said, surveying the grocery cart she was pushing.

本系统可作为子系统与整个大坝监测系统联网。As a sub-system, the system can be linked into a surveying system of dam.

比重计空中览绳的当前的勘测的系统聪明的控制箱。The hydrometric cableway's current surveying system intelligent control box.

我们走走吧,“他快乐地说,站起身来打量着这个可爱的公园。"Let's stroll about" he said gayly rising and surveying all the lovely park.

尼加拉瓜马铃薯农人布兰可,在进行马铃薯收获量的调查。Nicaraguan potato farmer Jose Blanco, is surveying his annual potato harvest.

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颗粒粒度的测定已成为现代测量学的一个重要分支。Particle size measurement has become an important branch of modern surveying.

在全面考察了1940年代思想界令人沮丧的环境后,哈耶克写道Surveying the disheartening intellectualclimate of the 40s, F. A. Hayek wrote

当他搜寻其它违规行为的时候,雷贝特先生的战略就是不要惹人注目。When he is surveying for other offenses, Mr. Rebete's strategy is to blend in.