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可以种植于庭园或路旁。Can cultivate at curtilage or wayside.

究竟算是偷金库还是偷民宅?。Be all steal exchequer or steal civilian curtilage?

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大部分时间在家当‘宅女’。Major while is in family belongs ' curtilage female '.

这一年几乎都是宅男生活。It is this year almost curtilage the schoolboy is vivid.

广亮大门只有有官位品级的宅第方可使用。Wide bright gate has only official can use times of grade curtilage.

远离镁光灯的马化腾,其实一点都不“宅”。Be far from the Ma Huateng of magnesium light lamp, actually a bit not " curtilage ".

因旗本家当晚不便当,只好暂时下榻宅悦家中。Because his inconvenience when, that the flag to temporarily stayed curtilage yue home.

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今天在北京内城漫步,还能时时看见深宅大院。Inside Beijing the city strolls today, still can see constantly deep curtilage courtyard.

假如买的是有规划的,有宅基地使用证的房产那么,你就可以等政策了。If buy, have a program, have curtilage the house property of base use card so, you can wait for policy.

玫瑰纠缠间弄得一身伤痕,衣宅爱乐影视衫不整。Got a rose between entangled wounds, garment curtilage philharmonic film unlined upper garment not whole.

本文分析了黟县碧山的耕读园和西递胡岐山旧院宅入口庭园空间表现手法,以供研究徽州古建筑作参考。In this paper, curtilage space design of Bishan Gengdu Garden and Xidi Old-house in Yi-county are analyzed.

二月红醒来后,发现丫头不见了,他一路上寻找爱妻,走着走着,回到了以前的旧宅。February red woke up, found the girl disappeared, he looking for his wife, all the way walk, back to the old curtilage.

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貌似医德高尚,宅心仁厚的兰博士的真实身份是细菌实验室的技术负责人。Seemingly noble medical ethics, curtilage heart very kind Dr LANs true identity is bacteria laboratory technical director.

嘉仪带团参观豪宅楼盘,与少山和淑贞碰个正著。Carrie had tour to visit a person of extraordinary powers curtilage building dish, with little mountain and shu zhen touch.

平时,我喜欢窝在家里看书、上网、看电影、练瑜伽,有时会去看看朋友,呵呵,典型的宅女哦。I like the nest at home reading, Internet, watching movies, yoga, sometimes to see friends, ha ha, typical curtilage female oh.

假若今年的文昌星飞到阳宅的正东方,则书房需座落于屋内之正东方。The Wen Changxing this year flies to if to this world curtilage Oriental, criterion the study needs to repose within house Oriental.

在波士顿的郊区座落着这1000多平方米的刚全部翻新过的豪宅。Reposing in Bostonian suburb the just had renovated entirely a person of extraordinary powers of this 1000 much square metre curtilage.

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不料半夜宅悦竟想进犯她,阿岩十分愤恨,扬言要将此事告知伊右卫门。Behold the midnight curtilage yue unexpectedly want to assault on her, o rock are angry about, threatened to inform Iraq right-back door.

晶晶看母亲的录影宅爱乐影视片段,令她想起小时分与母亲一同吃卤水蛋的开心状况。Jingjing see mother's video curtilage philharmonic video clips, make she remembered with a small portion of the mother eat together happy condition.

目前,我国驼峰调车场使用的ZK4型电宅转辙机是ZK3型转辙机的换代产品。At present, our country ZK4 type of DiaoCheChang hump use electric curtilage turn ZK3 type point machine is the replacement of the turning point machine.