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你知道怎么杀老虎吗,欧格斯特神父?Do you know how you kill a tiger, Father Auguste?

最吸引人注意的是皮埃尔·奥古斯特·雷诺阿的油画。The centre of attraction was Pierre Auguste Renoir's oil painting.

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这是他第三个故事写的奥古斯特杜平,以及他如何解决罪行。This is the third of three stories he wrote about Auguste Dupin and how he solves crimes.

我是1839年的春天和夏天住在巴黎时认识奥古斯特•杜邦先生的。I met Monsieur Auguste Dupin while I was living in Paris during the spring and summer of 1839.

这只黑色冠猕猴脚托下巴,酷似奥古斯特·罗丹创作的著名雕塑思想者。With his hand on his chin, the crested black macaque sat like Auguste Rodin's famous sculpture The Thinker.

奥古斯特和路易斯·吕米埃在巴黎演示最早的电影片。The earliest demonstration of a celluloid cinematograph film was given at Paris by Auguste and Louis Lumiere.

法国的伟大烹调艺术以卡雷梅和埃斯科菲耶的作品为颠峰。The influential grande cuisine of France reached its apex in the works of Marie-Antoine Carême and Auguste Escoffier.

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接下来,法国的卢米埃尔兄弟发明了集摄影、洗印和放映为一体的“活动电影机”。Then Louis and auguste Lumifire in France invented the Cinematographe, a combination of camera, printer, and projector.

法国菜是编入20世纪的乔治奥古斯特埃斯科菲耶,成为现代版的高级菜肴。French cuisine was codified in the 20th century by Georges Auguste Escoffier to become the modern version of haute cuisine.

于1818至1858年由法籍建筑师奥古斯特?蒙费兰主持修建的圣埃萨大教堂在历史上一度成为俄罗斯最大的教堂。Built between 1818 and 1858 by French architect Auguste de Montferrand, St. Isaac's Cathedral was once the largest church in Russia.

法国的孔德先生和英国的斯宾塞先生所主张的哲学方面的“平衡论”,亦称“均衡论”。Auguste Comte of France and Herbert Spencer of Britain advocated the "Balance Theory" in the field of philosophy, also called "Equilibrium Theory.

在这里,肖邦结识了西欧文艺界许多重要人物,包括匈牙利艺术家李斯特,柏辽兹,意大利音乐家贝利尼等新浪漫主义的拥护者。Chopin joined Franz Liszt, Hector Berlioz, Felix Mendelssohn, Vincenzo Bellini, and Auguste Franchomme, all proponents of the "new" Romantic style.

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布朗库西是现代雕塑史上一位承前启后的大师,是继罗丹之后对世界产生深远影响的艺术家。Constantin Brancusi is a great master linking the past to the present. He is an artist who has had great influence on the world after Auguste Rodin.

据新华社报道,罗丹、凡·高等7位法国艺术泰斗的7件传世名作将远涉重洋,在2010年上海世博会期间在法国馆展出。The French government will send the works of 7 French masters, such as Auguste Rodin and Vincent Van Gogh, to China for the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, Xinhua reported.

由孔德所创立的倡导秩序和进步原则的社会学不仅具有实证特点,同时与一种本质上属于社会改良的思想相联系。It was in this kind of background that Sociology was introduced into China. Auguste Comte 's Sociology with the goal of order and progress has the nature of positivism.

除了这些分区以外,博物馆还有一个专门的卢浮宫历史区,其中就包括菲利普·奥古斯特在1190年修建的中世纪护城河的历史。In addition to these departments, the museum presents a section devoted to the history of the Louvre, including the medieval moats installed by Philippe Auguste in 1190.

马赖神父到广西及贵州传教,认识了曹桂英和白小满。他们最终一起殉道,一起被封圣。Fr. Auguste Chapdelaine came to Guangxi and Guizhou for missionary activities and got to know Agnes Cao and Lawrence Bai. They eventually became martyrs and even saints together.

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利他主义是无私的另一种新的说法,这是在19世纪人类社会哲学家奥古斯丁特伯爵创造的一个相对于自我主义的词语,自我主义的意思是一切把自我放在首位。Altruism is a rather new word for unselfishness, coined by 19th century humanist philosopher Auguste Comte as an alternative to egoism, which means putting oneself above all else.

利他行为是不自私的一个新说法,是19世纪人文哲学家奥古斯特•孔德创造的,与利己行为相对,利己行为是指将自己置于所有其他人之上。Altruism is a rather new word for unselfishness , coined by 19th century humanist philosopher Auguste Comte as an alternative to egoism, which means putting oneself above all else.

英国媒体12月28日报道,生性风流的奥古斯特近日被德国记者拍到与22岁的罗马尼亚嫩模出双入对,同时53岁的卡罗琳则在摩纳哥生活。British media reported on December 28, romantic nature Auguste was recently photographed with the 22-year-old German Romanian tender the pair mode, and Caroline, 53, lives in Monaco.