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未收的垃圾在市区街道上越积越多。The uncollected garbage mounts in city streets.

改完的服装过3个月不取将被销毁。Goods uncollected after 3 months will be destroyed.

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香港资优教育学院将保存未领取证书一年。Certificates will be destroyed uncollected for ONE year.

香港资优教育学院将保存未領取证书一年。Certificates will be destroyed if they remain uncollected for ONE year.

希腊塞萨洛尼基的一位女士走过未清理的垃圾堆。A woman walks past piles of uncollected garbage in Thessaloniki, Greece.

在外汇结算之前,不能撤回未到账的支票。You may not withdraw the uncollected checks until the settlements for exchange are made.

成千百万的资金被闲置因为银行系统需要为可能的支票支付做准备。Every day, thousands of millions of dollars float through the system uncollected for payments.

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首先他们集中处理的区域是被散乱的垃圾影响最严重的达卡贫民区。First they concentrated on the areas most urgently affected by uncollected garbage – Dha ka's slums.

更新支付的金额为发票的顾客允许的计算未收入突出。Update of amount paid for invoices by customers allows calculation of uncollected revenue outstanding.

每年联邦政府都因这种地下经济而损失高达数十亿的税金。Each year the federal government loses billions of dollars in uncollected taxes because of the underground economy.

该公寓窗子已经有一周多未曾敞开,邮箱里也充满了待收信件。The shutters of the apartment had been closed for more than a week and the mailbox was filled with uncollected mail.

例如,它忽略了已经赚到的未收收益和已经发生但未支付的费用。For example, it ignores uncollected revenue which has been earned and expenses which have been incurred but not paid.

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这个公寓的百叶窗一周以来都没有打开过,而门口的邮箱里面都是没人取走的邮件。The shutters of the apartment had been closed for more than a week and the post-box was filled with uncollected mail.

对于未收回的贷款,各级政府及住房资金管理中心正在进行积极的清理回收工作。For uncollected loans, housing finance and management at all levels of government to clean up recycling centres are actively working.

几乎一半未被收集起来而达卡根本没有资源来收集和处理所有垃圾。Almost half of the city's trash goes uncollected , Sinha adds. Dhaka simply does not have the resources to gather and dispose of all that waste.

如果委托作为参数进行传递,或者所包含的委托作为结构中的字段进行传递,则该委托在调用期间不会被回收。When you pass a delegate as a parameter, or pass a delegate contained as a field in a structure, it remains uncollected for the duration of the call.

本册收集的最好的和未对以前未公布的亚伯拉罕林肯和林肯奖学金由他的伟大的传记作家之一,本杰明托马斯著作。This volume gathers the best previously unpublished and uncollected writings on Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln scholarship by one of his great biographers, Benjamin P. Thomas.

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现在,阿比让,漂浮在水样的泻湖,是炎热的,它的公民涸然而,步入街头,尸体躺在那里无人收领和死亡的恐惧发散出的气味。Now, Abidjan, afloat on watery lagoons, is parched, its citizenry athirst yet fearful of stepping out into the streets, where bodies lie uncollected and the smell of death emanates.

我国的所有贸易公司如果都像宁夏公司这样意识到海外业务的风险性,目前就不会受累于数额庞大的海外呆帐坏帐。If all Chinese trading companies were as aware of business risks overseas as this manager was, the country would not be burdened with the current large volume of uncollected accounts.

现在打进了城市紧急电话911和非紧急电话311的市民,将能够发送图片和视频文件来报告违法行为,或是投诉像车库不整这样关于生活品质的问题。Callers to the city's 911 and non-emergency 311 lines will now be able to send in photos and video to report crimes and complain about quality-of-life problems like uncollected garbage.