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我是全一真神的一个面貌。To the One True Divinity This I AM.

那些获得了神性的人们化身为上帝。They who obtain divinity become gods.

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神学院的稍后再讨论We'll revisit the Divinity School later.

和头顶白盔的锡神。And the tin divinity wearing a white helmet.

头顶黄盔的铜神。The copper divinity wearing a yellow helmet.

第七个就是男神俄多麦节。The seventh was the male divinity Eduomaiji.

第六个是嫁给路神的嘎姒。The sixth was Gasi married to road divinity.

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我的神格就是独立。The attribute of my divinity is independence.

正是他能平静地谈论他的上帝。Yet it is he who speaks calmly of his divinity.

人类的恶是表象的,最终会引导人趋善。Human being eventually will restore to divinity.

“不死的龙神姑娘”米鲁。Was "the immortal girl of dragon divinity" Milu.

墨丘利是商业之神。Mercury was the presiding divinity over commerce.

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他们是头戴黑盔的铁神。They were the iron divinity wearing a black helmet.

当人心中的纯净性增加,他便散发出神圣的气质。When Sattva grows in man, divinity radiates through him.

但是,很明显,在廉价的域名中神没有留下任何痕迹。But divinity apparently has nothing on cheap domain names.

那神性,如果它存在,就是思想的发明。That divinity , if it exists, is the invention of thought.

他承认,他不配在在场的神。He recognized his unworthiness in the presence of divinity.

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信心使我和天接触,信心使我披戴耶和华的能力。Faith links me with Divinity. Faith clothes me with the power of Jehovah.

你可以藉由选取神力专长来获得额外的引导神力威能。You can gain additional Channel Divinity powers by taking divinity feats.

人们或笃信统治者为神,或承认他们是神在人间的代理Rulers have been thought to be divine or appointed spokesmen for divinity.