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他在长者之前很是恭敬。He was respectful before his betters.

培养优良品行举止。Cultivate good conduct and respectful behavior.

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对爹爹娘亲态度还很恭敬?Is still quite respectful apt daddy mom opinion?

我们尊重她和她继续战斗的而权利。We're respectful of her and her right to fight on.

同时,还是要对店员的努力表示尊重。At the same time, be respectful of clerks' efforts.

塔希提人是非常讲礼貌,慷慨而和善的。Tahitians are very respectful and generous and kind.

我们家的孩子对长者总是毕恭毕敬。If you are respectful , you show respect for someone.

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请说礼貌用语!这是一个神圣的名字!Respectful language if you please! Thiis a Holy Name!

警察局尊重所有的宗教信仰。The Constabulary is respectful of all religious views.

大学的学生都很规矩恭顺。The students at the college are passive and respectful.

不过,她带来了尊重和坚定的批判。Still, she brought a respectful and unwavering critique.

他对其他的人都怀一颗善良的心。Carl is very respectful of other people and kind hearted.

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渐渐地,他们开始用尊敬的眼光看待我。Gradually, they began to look at me with respectful eyes.

我一向恭敬、尊重艺术家。I am deferential and respectful in the presence of artists.

施密特和亚当都对保卢斯很尊重,尤其是亚当。Schmidt and Adam are respectful to Paulus, especially Adam.

那些男孩们彬彬有礼,尊敬长辈。The boy were well mannered and respectful toward grown-ups.

我们觉得直接叫名不太礼貌,也不够尊重,对吧?We don't. It's considered to be impolite and not respectful.

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他是一位可敬的老师,因此我们都尊敬他。He 1s a respectable teacher. so we are all respectful to him.

请记住使用我应得的敬语。And remember to use only the respectful words I deserve so well.

当送葬队伍走过时,人群沉默肃立。The crowd stood in respectful as the funeral procession went by.