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如果现在拥抱未来主义、它也拒绝了过去。If Futurism embraced the present, it also rejected the past.

“未来主义”将是一大流行趋势,诸如波鞋的产生。"Futurism" will be a trend, such as the wave shoes production.

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除了机器人,该片导演肖恩•利维并未追求未来主义。Robots aside, film director Shawn Levy doesn’t go in for futurism.

未来主义是本世纪早期有影响的艺术运动。Futurism was an influential artistic movement in the early part of the century.

Diego诺基亚核心手机概念的设计灵感来自于星球大战中的未来主义图形.The Nokia CORE cellphone is a concept inspired by the futurism graphics of Star Wars.

未来主义,二十世纪早期的一个艺术思潮。Futurism , an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and at.

这听起来有点未来主义的味道,但是这也确实给所有的公司敲响了警钟。Yes, there are traces of futurism in some of this and early warnings for companies too.

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未来主义是意大利最伟大的先锋运动,并在全世界拥有广泛的影响。Futurism was the greatest Italian avantgarde and had a wide influence all over the world.

马雅可夫斯基未来主义时期的诗歌创作主要是抒情短诗和五部长诗。Mayakovski's poetry in his artistic period of futurism includes some short verses and five long poems.

旋涡主义英国一个短暂的艺术和文学运动,兴起于1914年,受到立体主义和未来主义的很大影响。A short-lived English movement in art and literature that arose in1914 and was heavily influenced by cubism and futurism.

英国一个短暂的艺术和文学运动,兴起于1914年,受到立体主义和未来主义的很大影响。A short-lived English movement in art and literature that arose in 1914 and was heavily influenced by cubism and futurism.

欧洲福特已放弃最近殖民地复古的趋势有利于未来的东西的当代未来。European Fords have eschewed the recent Colonial trend of retro futurism in favor of something that's contemporarily futuristic.

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古典、精致、优雅的维多利亚哥特,和前卫、毛糙、尖锐的铆钉头似乎是风马牛不相及的两种类型。The antiquated, refined elegance of Victorian Goth and the rough, edgy futurism of Rivetheads may seem a completely incompatible combination.

随着时代的发展,现代美学出现了各种艺术流派,如未来派、鲍豪斯建筑学派、构成派和纯粹派。Since it evolved over time the modernist aesthetic is made up of many artistic movements including futurism bauhaus constructivism and purism.

这也就为未来系汽车提供了一个很好的榜样,相信在不久的将来,飞行汽车真的能够在提供飞行快感的同时,大大降低发生事故的危险几率。This is an excellent example of futurism is not far from the reality that one day could reduce the risk of accidents, while a unique feeling of flying.

在西方美术史上,尤其是在二十世纪西方现代绘画史上,产生过许许多多的画派,如野兽派、立体派、未来派、达达派以及超现实主义画派等。In the western history of art especially in the modern painting history of20th there were many modern painting trends such as fauvism cubism futurism dada and surreal ism etc.

也许最有趣的角度来看待关于皮尔卡丹所遗留下的东西是他的设计和现实的关联,被现在的设计师所关注,即使那些设计师并不出生在几何未来派诞生的年代。Perhaps the most interesting angle on the Pierre Cardin legacy is its current relevance, as viewed by a designer who was not even born when the geometric futurism was created.

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今年的短打装扮灵感来源于六十年代,带有点未来主义的简约前卫感,但整体比例更短、设计更精致。The bunt this year dresses up inspiration to originate 60 time, contain the contracted avant-courier of bit of futurism to feel, but integral scale shorter, design is more delicate.

它已经在现代的未来主义风格,其过程是新颖和独创性和大胆使用颜色带来了一个充满戏剧性的幽默和激情化为乌有活力的实验。It has done experiments on the modern futurism style, whose process is full of novel and originality and daring colors that used have brought a dramatic naught vigor with humor and passion.

“资本雇佣劳动”说是当前学术界占主流的观点,但显然,这种观点是经验主义和教条主义的产物,没有用前瞻和历史的眼光来分析问题。The doctrine of "capital employing labor" takes the ascendancy in academia. However, this view is empirical and dogmatic, and does not observe question with the eye of history and futurism.