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人类本性受约束的观点。The constrained view of human nature.

寒冷的天气抑制了植物的生长。Cold weather constrained the plant's growth.

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假如我们在某个限制上的最小点或者最大点。Let's say that we are at constrained min or max.

冰就是一个我们熟悉的约束系统的例子。A familiar example of a constrained system is ice.

3个变量都在这个等式里面了。My three variables, u1, u2, u3, are constrained in this way.

独立审计目标受所处环境的制约。Independent audit objective is constrained by the environment.

“拜伦式英雄”通过爱情把女性人物桎梏于爱的囚笼中。The female characters are constrained by the Byronic Heroes' love.

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约束型立体交叉在重庆山区道路上比较普遍。Constrained interchange in very common in Chongqing mountain roads.

该山谷住宅可以建立在任何地方,即使很小的场地也能容得下。The Valley House can be located at areas, constrained by a small site.

我们考虑非线性约束的公差分配问题。We consider the nonlinearly constrained tolerance allocation problems.

在他家中的椭圆形办公室里,他却很大程度上收到了国会的限制。At home the man in the Oval Office is mightily constrained by Congress.

如果你愿意,我想见见奥兰斯卡夫人,”他声音有些不自然地说。If you wish, I'll see Madame Olenska, " he said in a constrained voice.

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这门课提倡的心理学观点,是本性受约束观点。So the vision of psychology this course promotes is the constrained view.

此外,我们还讨论了一种带有约束的布点问题。Furthermore we also discuss in this paper a constrained allocation problem.

泛型机制应该支持泛型的限定性形态。The genericity mechanism should support the constrained form of genericity.

组卷问题是一个多约束多目标组合优化问题。The test paper generation is a constrained multi-object optimization problem.

多类型示例指受类别和子类别约束的视图。An example of multiple types is a view constrained by category and subcategory.

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内塔尼亚胡在希伯伦协定之外能做的事受到政治方面的限制。Netanyahu was constrained politically in what he could do beyond the Hebron deal.

内塔尼亚胡在希伯伦协定之外能做的事受到政治方面的限制。Netanyahu was constrained politically in what he could do beyond the Hebron deal.

那些受到快速地投放市场或者初始的产品展示需求约束的项目Those constrained by demands for rapid time-to-market or initial product rollouts