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女性35岁以后体型变化显著。Somatotype obviously changed after 35 in females.

对体型评价方法也进行了讨论。A method of somatotype evalution was also discussed.

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患者体型因素也增加了这种喉损伤的机会。In addition, the patient′s somatotype was favourable to his arytenoid injury.

而男性骨骼和肌肉发育良好,体型稍显修长。The skeleton and muscle develop better in males, and the somatotype appears slender.

其中包括对运动员的体格、身体成分和体型等的测量。It includes athlete's physique, body components and somatotype measurement and so on.

随着年龄的增长,男孩体型变化较小,大多属中胚层体型,女孩体型变化较大。The boy somatotype changed a little, while the girls changed in large extent with age.

从18岁开始,体态或体重增加风险也会继续上升。The risk was increased for increases in size by somatotype or by weight gain since age 18 years.

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年龄、性别、环境、习惯、经济、健康等都是其影响因素。The influencing factors on somatotype are age, environment, gender, habitat, custom, health and so on.

本文采用希思-卡特体型测定法测试了81名世界优秀花样游泳运动员的体型。In this paper, with the Heath Carter Method, we have examined the somatotype of 81 world elite synchronized swimmers.

山西城市汉族男性与乌孜别克族、鄂温克族、加拿大人、因纽特人体型最为接近,与壮族、仡佬族、侗族、怒族体型相距最远。The somatotype of urban males was close to those of Uzbek, Ewenki, Canadian and Eskimos, far away from Zhuang, Mulao, Dong, Nu.

通过与四个少数民族城市儿童的比较,发现不同民族的体型有一定差异。By contrast of four urban minority children, the differences of somatotype were found between Han nationality and four minority children.

山西城市汉族女性与乌孜别克族、鄂温克族、蒙古族、因纽特人最为接近,与壮族、仡佬族体型距离最远。The somatotype of urban females was close to those of Uzbek, Ewenki, Monggol, Eskimos, and far away from Zhuang, Gelao nationality and Mulao.