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工作台是否有ESD接地?。Are the workbench ESD grounded?

作台。小的机型可根据需要提供工作台。All models can be supplied on a workbench.

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本部分描述了工作台的基础。This section describes the basics of the workbench.

这一列表是由工作台选择初始化的。This list is initialized by the workbench selection.

使你的IRAD工作区具有校正能力。Enable the correct capabilities in your IRAD workbench.

选择提供器注册到工作台站点。Selection providers are registered with the workbench site.

一旦工作台运行起来,您就需要一个Objective-C模型。Once the workbench is running you need an Objective-C model.

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视图还可以停靠在工作台窗口的不同侧面。Views can also be docked to different sides of the workbench window.

您将通过首先同步您的工作台,检查其他人的工作。You would examine others' work by synchronizing your workbench first.

比如放它在坚实水平的工作台上等等。Set this refractometer on a solid and level surface of a workbench , etc.

为了包含一个模版模型,您首先需要启动一个运行时工作台。To include a template model, you first have to start a runtime workbench.

工作台自动将所有未捕获的异常记录到错误日志中。The workbench automatically logs all uncaught exceptions to the error log.

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在徕卡的装配车间里,安置着组装类似相机的工作台。A workbench is set up to assemble analog cameras in the Leica assembly room.

工具外接程序包含可从工作台启动的即时可用的工具。Tool add-ons contain ready-to-use tools that you can launch from the workbench.

在载入工作区之后,您就可以按照下述的步骤来验证您的工作了After the workbench has loaded, you can verify your work by following these steps

在工作台机器上,将浮点许可密钥导入到许可服务器中。Import the floating license key into the license server on the workbench machine.

但首先,您必须创建一个工作台,并在其中建立一个研究对象。But first, you must create a workbench and put a victim -- er, a patient -- on it.

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然后,数据流经代理的数据通道,以供工作台使用。Data is then streamed over the agent's data channel and consumed by the workbench.

但是,在设备上运行时,这个嵌入式工作台对于用户是不可见的。When running on a device, though, the embedded workbench is invisible to the user.

可以从工作台中生成便携收集器以便在另一个系统上使用。A portable collector can be generated from the workbench for use on another system.