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传票被撤回。The summons was withdrawn.

他变得非常沉默抑郁。He became very withdrawn and broody.

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银行存款有一部分被提回了。Bank-deposits were in part withdrawn.

请求可以是孤立的或者被拒绝的。A request can be withdrawn or rejected.

我听见门上的链和栓被拉开了。He heard the chain and bolts withdrawn.

部队正在慢慢地撤退。The troops are being gradually withdrawn.

柱塞应从套筒里抽出来。The plunger should be withdrawn from sleeve.

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其他国家也都派遣了它们的军队。All other nations have withdrawn their troops.

被动型的身体姿势表现为害羞。The passive body type has a withdrawn posture.

信贷注入及撤出都是由中央命令决定的。Credit is infused and withdrawn by central diktat.

看门人听见门上的链和拴被拉开了。The doorkeeper heard the chain and bolts withdrawn.

我们的部队已经撤出危险地带。Our forces have been withdrawn from the danger area.

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合理安排,让这些钱少动用你的薪水。Arrange to have the money withdrawn from your paycheck.

到那时,卡佩罗早已撤回詹姆士·米尔纳。By that time Capello had already withdrawn James Milner.

可以抽出一定比例的地块供收割牧草用。A proportion of the paddocks can be withdrawn for mowing.

缪尔爵士称,他明白坎贝尔博士为何退出了专家组。Sir Muir said he understood why Dr Campbell had withdrawn.

然后,这笔钱就从新账户被人以现金提走了。The money was then withdrawn in cash from the new account.

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凡高的画因出价未达拍卖底价而收回。The Van Gogh failed to reach its reserve and was withdrawn.

因为他们确实从使用价值中,被撤离。Since they are precisely, as such, withdrawn from use-value.

如果需求不让人满意,佐餐苏格兰威士忌就将被取消。If demand is not satisfactory, diet scotch will be withdrawn.