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液体和气体。Liquid and gas.

液体和气体。Liquid. And gas.

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我能用修正液吗?Can I use Liquid Paper?

在理想液体混合物中。In ideal liquid mixtures.

这边是液相。This is the liquid phase.

它是气态还是液态的呢?Was it a gas or a liquid?

液体的体积是小于固体的。Liquid is less than solid.

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所以你们现在看到了液体。So you see the liquid now.

没有比液体眼线笔更好的选择了。Nothing beats liquid liner.

使用玻璃窗清洁剂。Use window-cleaning liquid.

这是液相。So this is the liquid phase.

如果可能的话,使用洗手液。Use liquid soap if possible.

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这是液态的。xB So this is the liquid xB.

所有蚂蚁都吃流质食物。All ants live on liquid food.

六听一组的饮料完全是液态的。A six-pack is entirely liquid.

液氧具有顺磁性。Liquid oxygen is paramagnetic.

液体被加热时会蒸馏。The liquid distils when heated.

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他们把多余的液体排掉了。They ran off the excess liquid.

喇叭口拥堵大量的液体沥青。A mammoth trumpets liquid pitch.

开水散发出蒸汽。Boiling liquid gives off steams.