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能带我去上面吗?。Can you take me topside?

位置在肝脏上方。Located on topside of liver.

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剩下的人,跟我一起上去。The rest of you, topside with me.

有时我们也被允许到甲板上呼吸呼吸海上的新鲜空气。We were allowed topside to enjoy the fresh ocean breeze.

打电话的那位女士说每次我一上来亮光就消失了。The lady who called said that each time I appeared topside the light would disappear.

按下此按钮可以将鼠标所点选之位置做局部放大显示功能。Mouse cursor would be enlarged or minified and displayed near the topside of the display screen.

但是,我们相信市场目前这波上升行情处于加速阶段,而高位的风险也是相当严峻的。However, we believe the market is now in an acceleration phase and the topside is at severe risk.

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导管架、上部结构和软刚臂分别是用浮吊吊装的。The jacket, topside and yoke assembly were separately lifted and installed by using a derrick barge.

在自然界中,从花瓣到水母的顶部视角图,随处可以发现转动对称的存在。Rotational symmetry in nature is found in everything from the petals of a flower to the topside view of a jellyfish.

渤海某平台为了防止打井作业期间上部荷载过大,需要在一年周期内对上部荷载变化进行全程监控。Monitoring the status of topside mass during a whole year is needed so as to avoid the excessive mass of the platform.

对带有顶边水舱的散装货船的舷侧结构模型,在四种不同工况下进行了强度试验。The structural model test of a bulk carrier with topside tanks is carried out under four different loading conditions.

渔船的船身与干舷部位也没有铁锈与污垢的痕迹,鲜艳的油漆涂在船上的风化部位。The boat's hull and topside were absent of rust and grime, while a fresh coat of paint covered the most weathered areas.

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将发动机置入机身上部也能够提高燃油效率和降低噪声。Gains in fuel efficiency and noise reduction could also come from embedding the engines into the topside of the fuselage.

船壳和干舷上没有任何生锈或者脏污,甚至在那些最被风雨侵蚀的部分,也被刷上了鲜亮的油漆。The boat's hull and topside were absent of rust and grime , while a fresh coat of paint covered the most weathered areas.

通过将水下气体压缩系统放置到海底,油气开发商可以在加快生产速度的同时消除对昂贵的平台设施的需求。By placing such systems on the sea- foor, the E&P industry can accelerate production while eliminating the need for costly topside facilities.

总共二十几个游人,骑着骡子,从悬崖上边走下来,静静地走在荒草丛生的原野上。Tourists, maybe two dozen in all, have traveled by mule down the cliff from "topside" Molokai, and are now lunching quietly in a grassy field.

利用被动光源视觉传感方法,研究了P-GMAW正反面熔池成像的滤光方法、成像时间、成像机理。With the passive illumination, the filtering method, imaging time, imaging mechanism were investigated for both topside and backside weld pool in P-GMAW.

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针对填丝脉冲GTAW过程的不同熔透状态,提出了焊缝正面和反面的成形控制问题。Aiming at the different penetration modes of pulsed GTAW with wire filler, the problems of controlling the topside and backside weld bead shape are proposed.

同时采用自然正交分量分析法研究9年的DMSP卫星测得的顶部离子浓度的年度异常和地磁活动异常。Based on 9-year topside ionospheric ion density data measured from DMSP satellites, we further study the topside ionospheric annual and semiannual variations.

在此基础上,利用FLAC3D软件对上部荷载引起地面沉降量及水平位移量进行模拟计算。After the upper work completed, by the use of FLAC3D to make a simulation and analysis to land subsidence and the horizontal shift quantity caused by the topside load.