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钻石,红宝石,绿宝石,紫水晶diamond, ruby, emerald, amethyst

在火焰里凝结的琥珀和紫晶。In flames of amber and of amethyst.

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她唯一有机会能赢下的是紫水晶项链。Her last chance at winning any necklace is Amethyst.

紫晶宝石往往成为苍白,如果保持在阳光下。Amethyst gems often becomes paler if kept out in the sun.

她那紫水晶似的眼睛,珍珠般的肌肤,红宝石般的嘴唇最终都会消逝。Her own amethyst eyes, pearl skin, ruby lips, would disappear.

我要一只紫水晶戒指,但是我不知道我的戒指尺码。I want an amethyst ring, but I do not know what my ring size is.

细腻的花朵装点在色调的紫红色以及紫水晶。The exquisite flowers come alive in shades of fuchsia and amethyst.

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一双闪现紫红色水晶,另一双则饰有浅紫色水晶。One sparkles in Fuchsia crystal, the other in Light Amethyst crystal.

因此紫水晶国王觉察到,一切都相关。It is all related therefore in the perception of the Amethyst Quartz Kingdom.

到了十九世纪,紫水晶被普遍使用,成为新艺术主义珠宝中一颗璀璨之星。Popular in the 19th century, Amethyst was a favorite gem in art nouveau jewelry.

与其它大多数宝石一样,紫水晶的品质因其出产地的不同而名异。Like many other gemstones, the quality of Amethyst varies according to its source.

就像任何宝石,注意不要受到冲击大幅贵紫晶首饰。Like any gemstone, take care not to subject your amethyst jewellery to sharp blows.

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报道了水热法人工紫色水晶生长研究的结果。Research results on growth of amethyst crystal by hydrothermal method are presented.

正当狄俄尼索斯锁为他的魔法而洋洋得意时,艾米西斯特向黛安娜女神大声呼救。As Dionysus sat back to enjoy the spectacle, Amethyst cried out to her goddess Diana.

紫水晶协助学习业力超越所必须的频率。Amethyst assists in learning the frequencies necessary for the transcendence of karma.

另一个有趣的事实,黄水晶和紫水晶也的确可以找到在同一个石头。Another interesting fact, citrine and amethyst can actually be found in the same stone.

完整及无缝集成,一直是Amethyst的基本设计目标。Complete and seamless integration has always been a fundamental design goal of Amethyst.

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还有就是在实验室合成紫晶在俄罗斯,中国和其他地方。There is also a synthetic amethyst that is made in labs in Russia, China, and other places.

这仿古铜铃声项链是结合富豪紫水晶紫色珠子和水晶。This antiqued copper tone necklace is combined with regal amethyst purple beads and crystals.

紫晶被分配到第七轮,因此它会影响所有事情的心理和精神。Amethyst is assigned to the seventh chakra, and thus it affects all things mental and spiritual.