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坦陀罗影像接受万物。The Tantra vision accepts everything.

密宗里,这就叫作“乘潮”。In Tantra this is called "riding the wave."

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实践坦陀罗的人就称为坦陀罗行者。People who practice Tantra are called Tantrikas.

冯大阿阇梨是陈上师的唐密教授师。Patriarch Feng was Guru Chen's teacher in Tang Tantra.

“坦陀罗”这个词是梵语,印度教的宗教语言。The word Tantra is Sanskrit, the sacred language of Hinduism.

摩诃葛剌是藏传佛教密宗护法神之一,是萨迦派顶礼膜拜的对象。Mahakala is one of the guardian gods of Tibetan Buddhist tantra.

密宗的音泛音的声音代表了新的层面。The TANTRA OF SOUND Harmonizer represents a new dimension of sound.

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对坦陀罗的不同解释指示出了多种自然因素。The different explanations of Tantra indicate its multifaceted nature.

熟悉坦陀罗可以帮助一个人去享受到生命的完整性。Familiarity with Tantra can help a person to enjoy life to the fullest.

从而,坦陀罗可以实践于任何对这条道路感兴趣的人。Hence, Tantra can be practiced by anyone who is attracted to this path.

因为坦陀罗是一个神秘的主题,它几乎不可能去定义。Because Tantra is a mystical subject, it is nearly impossible to define.

古代坦陀罗是一种精神体系,性爱是圣礼。Ancient Tantra is a spiritual system in which sexual love is a sacrament.

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甚至显赫的学者也只是艰难地解释坦陀罗实际是什么。Even eminent scholars have had a hard time explaining what Tantra actually is.

坦陀罗通过平面的位置传送你的性。Tantra transports your sexuality from the plane of doing to the place of being.

在坦陀罗里面,焦点并不在于你做什么,而是如何做。In Tantra the focus is not so much on with whom you do it but rather on how you do it.

在坦陀罗里面,男人可以被鼓励去探索他自己温柔,善于接受,易受攻击,女性化的一面。In Tantra the man can be encouraged to explore his soft, receptive, vulnerable, feminine aspects.

坦陀罗认可每一个人,不管男性还是女性,都拥有男性和女性特质。Tantra recognizes that each human being, whether man or woman, has both masculine and feminine qualities.

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密教沉思是东方宗教仪式上的一个传统,据说通过这种沉思能够让信徒靠近他们崇拜的神灵。Tantra is an Eastern tradition of ritual and meditation said to bring followers closer to their chosen deities.

在坦陀罗里面,并没有好与坏,可接受和不可接受之区分。In Tantra there is no division between what is good and what is bad what is acceptable and what is unacceptable.

请注意时轮密法与梵文字母之间是有着深厚的渊源。It should be noted that there is a profound relationship between the Kalachakra tantra and the Sanskrit alphabet.