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用餐时间是谈话的好时机。Mealtime is a time to dialogue.

每天2粒,随餐食用。Take 2 caplets per day near mealtime.

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当到吃饭的时候,我不知道我要吃什么?…When it is mealtime. i have no idea. what to eat ?

每到吃饭时间,这条狗总是徘徊在厨房门口。The dog hovers around the kitchen door every mealtime.

这将标志着你的大脑,你的吃饭时间完成。This would signal your brain that your mealtime is done.

另外,改变意大利面条的样式也能使用餐时光保持有趣。Changing the type of pasta keeps mealtime interesting, too.

自比顿夫人时代之后,餐桌上的礼仪要求就大大放宽了。Mealtime etiquette has relaxed hugely since Mrs Beeton's time.

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现在是吃饭的时候,大家又饿、又渴、又累。It was mealtime and they were hungry, thirsty, sweaty and tired.

为了减少发炎,吃饭时候服用阿司匹林或布洛芬。To reduce inflammation, take an aspirin or ibuprofen at mealtime.

用餐时,辅导员带领备餐小组为全体备餐。Follow the group leader prepare foods for others during the mealtime.

次日,进餐时间到达,而且金枪鱼的另一个罐子被打开。The following day, mealtime arrives and another can of tuna is opened.

对微生物们来说意味着开饭的时间到了,而对人类来说,这又意味着一个气候变化的坏消息。And that means both mealtime for microbes—and bad news for climate change.

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不规律的睡眠会增加加餐或者吃饭时间打盹的危险。Odd sleep patterns increase the danger of napping through a snack or mealtime.

不要把用餐时间变成战场——现在,当她长到2岁的时候,或者永远。Don't make mealtime into a battleground — now, when she's 2 years old, or ever.

鱼可以在水下用餐,不过它们也需要记住就餐时的举止。Fish may dine underwater, but they still need to remember their manners at mealtime.

少吃经过加工的食品,它含有大量的钠,而且平时做饭应少放盐。Avoid processed foods, which contain a lot of sodium, and ease up on salt at mealtime.

勇气,是到了开饭时间还拼命巴望着在“真”肉汤里还能有“真”肉块。Courage is mealtime and desperately hoping it' s not Chunky Chunks in "real"gravy again.

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勇气,是到了开饭的时间还拼命巴望着在“真”的肉汤历还能有“真”的肉块。Courage is mealtime and desperately hoping it's not Chunky Chunks in "real" gravy again.

此外,吃饭时不要三心二意,比如看书、看电视或上网。Don't do anything else during mealtime. Don't read, watch television or surf the Internet.

所以每个吃饭时间都是给他们高营养食物的好机会。Therefore, every mealtime has to be an opportunity to feed them high-nutrient-based foods.