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你必须向我下跪,异教徒。因为我是这里的主人。Bow before your god, infidel. I am the Master here.

他允诺继续与无宗教信仰力量的抗争。He promised to continue the fight against infidel forces.

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于布什相反,奥巴马很难被描绘成一个美国异教徒。Contrary to Bush, Obama is difficult to portray as an American infidel.

他是反叛上帝又反叛君主的专搞颠覆的异教徒。He's a subversive infidel rebellious alike against his God and his king.

同样毫不含糊地,他们用头巾围住脸,搜寻并跟异教徒战斗。Thus resolved, they wrap their faces in scarves and seek to fight the infidel.

在中世纪的中欧,曾有过基督教摧毁异教徒的历史。In the Middle Ages in Central Europe, it was the destruction of the Christian infidel history.

美国和北约现在都被视为异端的占领军,而华盛顿如果有其他想法的话则不过是吓唬人而已。The US and Nato are seen as an infidel occupying force, and Washington is whistling Dixie if it thinks otherwise.

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大卫休谟可能是当时最伟大的哲学家了,同时也是一位异教徒,至少我这么认为。David Hume known at the time as the great infidel by some was probably the greatest philosopher of this period, that's anyways my view.

什麽所知甚少,他表明,他是一名出色基督教的异教徒环境没有任何印象,对他的宗教狂热。What little is known of him indicates that he was a sterling Christian whose infidel environment made no impression on his religious fervour.

这种事情与塔利班宣称保护当地人民免于军阀掳掠,混乱政府以及异教徒NATO的入侵大相径庭。This kind of thing is at odds with Taliban claims to protect ordinary people from predatory warlords, corrupt government officials and infidel NATO invaders.

半岛电视台播放了号称是“基地”组织领导者本·拉登的助手艾曼·扎瓦赫里讲话的录音带,扎瓦赫里发誓要打败“异端的”美国。Al Jazeera television broadcast a purported audio tape by al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's deputy Ayman al-Zawahri, vowing to defeat the "infidel" United States.

是什么唤醒了一个英国或美国的穆斯林让他决定自己不再是一个英国人或美国人而是一个进行着对抗异教徒的圣战的伊斯兰"士兵"?WHAT makes a Muslim in Britain or America wake up and decide that he is no longer a Briton or American but an Islamic “soldier” fighting a holy war against the infidel?

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但这种扩张触发了强烈的意识形态反弹,这种反弹集中在较不相连的地区,特别是中东——目前被“异教徒”的市场、网络和观念所渗透。But that expansion triggered a vociferous ideological backlash centered in those less-connected regions, particularly the Middle East, currently penetrated by "infidel" markets, networks, and ideas.

在巴基斯坦的什么地方,在他藏身的洞穴里,收听到阿森纳又一次输掉比赛的消息后,他气愤地把收音机踢到一边,“这个不信教的混蛋温格!”In a cave, somewhere in Pakistan, the most wanted man in the world is kicking his battered transistor radio as news reaches him that Arsenal have lost again. "That bloody infidel Wenger, " he wails.