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她恬不知耻地承认了让他回到屋里的事。She had brazenly admitted allowing him back into the house.

我看见带着头巾的年轻人们沿着我家门口的路跑向商店。I watched hooded youths brazenly running up my road towards the store.

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我们肆无忌惮地大笑,徐老师也盛情款待我们这群顽皮的学生。We brazenly laughing, Xu also hospitality, our group of naughty students.

有些公司,比如航运巨头中国远洋运输公司厚颜无耻地试图毁约。Some, like Cosco, a shipping giant, have brazenly tried to renege on contracts.

有些人戴着帽兜和围巾掩盖面部,但另一些人则明目张胆地走进去。Some wore hoods up and scarves to mask their faces but others brazenly walked in.

恼羞成怒的贸易联盟放肆地封锁了和平的纳布星球以示抗议。Outraged, the Trade Federation brazenly blockaded the peaceful planet of Naboo in protest.

甚至也不会让我从纽约市开始,在飓风的轨迹上突然出现了。And don't even get me started on New York City brazenly popping up in the path of a hurricane.

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而这群少年暴徒们厚颜无耻的态度和肆无忌惮的风格更是让所有警察们大吃一惊。The group of young thugs who brazenly brazen attitude and style is all the police were surprised.

微软在这方面宝刀已老--大部分微软的主要销售商都厚着脸皮大声叫卖Linux。Microsoft has lost its edge in this regard -- most of Microsoft's major resellers brazenly hawk Linux.

一名小偷“光明正大”地在猫王埃尔维斯?普雷斯利博物馆的展柜中窃取了一把手枪。A thief brazenly stealing a pistol from a display case at an Elvis exhibit at Presley's Graceland est ate.

疯狂高尔夫是经典的2D百战天虫和幽默的十八洞狂欢的疯狂结合。Worms Crazy Golf is a brazenly bonkers mixture of classic 2D Worms and hilarious eighteen-hole high jinks.

他们依照反动派的指示,烧屋、捉人,十分勇敢。On the instructions of the reactionaries, they burned down houses and made arrests, and quite brazenly too.

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实木地板是天然材料,所以肯定有色差,这个理由就可以让色差“明目张胆”存在吗?Real wood floor is natural material, affirmative coloured is so poor, can this reason let off color " brazenly " exist?

这就像一个三岁的小孩子使性子一样,厚颜无耻的追求一些她不感兴趣的东西。There is still something of the petulant 3-year-old here, brazenly pursuing something that is decidedly not in her interests.

不到一个月前,一个类似的组织在拉合尔公然袭击了一辆载有斯里兰卡国家板球队的大客车。Less than a month before, a similar group had brazenly attacked a bus carrying the Sri Lankan national cricket team in Lahore.

请看以下画面,在“猫王”故居雅园举行的“猫王”埃尔维斯普雷斯利博览上,一小偷正明目张胆地从展区偷走手枪。Take a look at this. A thief brazenly stealing a pistol from a display case at an Elvis exhibit at Presley 's Graceland estate.

尽管工资不高,这种工作孙峰也蛮喜欢,白天他肆无忌惮地去网吧上网“冲浪”。Although wages are not high, SUN Feng also quite like this kind of work during the day and go to Internet cafes, he brazenly "surfing."

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埃塞俄比亚总理梅莱斯•泽纳维公然表示,只要这些节目煽动他所谓的仇恨,他将继续对其信号进行干扰。Ethiopia's prime minister, Meles Zenawi, brazenly says he will continue to jam the signal for as long as it incites what he calls hatred.

贸易联盟肆无忌惮地封锁了通往这颗田园小星球的贸易航路后,比布尔是最早怀疑入侵即将到来的人之一。When the Trade Federation brazenly blockaded the trade routes to the small pastoral world, Bibble was among the first to suspect invasion.

他们不仅继续公然违反国际法,现在还从澳大利亚租赁间谍飞机来跟踪反捕鲸船。Notonly are they brazenly continuing to breach international law, they arenow chartering spy planes from Australia to track anti-whaling ships.