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日本是一个以神道教为信仰基础的国家和民族。Japan is a Shinto faith basis for the country and people.

我还想去看看那儿的严岛神社。And I would like to visit the Itsukushima Shinto Shrine there.

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一个新手在付出辛劳和汗水后蹲坐在神社前。Toil and sweat done, an apprentice meditates before a Shinto shrine.

如果是指神道教的神社的话,那个门叫做鸟居。If it is referring to the Shinto shrine, then known as the Torii gate.

神道“这个词源自汉语的神道,意思是”神的法则“。The word "Shinto" is derived from the Chinese words shin tao, the "way of the gods.

布局以昭陵、神道为纵轴,延伸南北形成中轴线。Layout to Zhao Ling, Shinto for the vertical axis, the extension of a north-south axis.

美沙是扇子武术的高手,并拥有一位类似日本水神的水灵神为守护灵。She is an expert in fighting fan and holds a Suijin, a Shinto god of water in Japanese.

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山崎暗斋是日本江户时代前期的儒学家,垂加神道的创始人。Yamazaki amsai is a Confucianist in former period of Ajdo Times, and the founder of Sieika Shinto.

神社是日本神道的重要组成部分,在神道信仰中扮演着重要角色。Shinto shrine is an essential part in Japanese Shinto, it also plays an important role in Shinto faith.

在葬礼之后,人们开始重建新房,重新开始生活,此时神道教则会成为主角。After the funerals, when people begin building new homes and their lives, Shinto will move center stage.

他说,世道如此艰难,当地神社已不再为夏季庆典雇佣乐师。Times are so tough that the local Shinto shrine has stopped hiring musicians for summer festivals, he said.

相扑很早就融入神道教的净化仪式中,后来才成为宫廷娱乐。Early on, sumo was incorporated into Shinto purification rituals, after which it became court entertainment.

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被随风飘飞的大雪覆盖如雕塑般的户隐神社高高地座落在白马八方附近的日本阿尔卑斯地区。Sculpted by heavy snow drifts, the Shinto shrine Togakushi, sits high in the Japan Alps near the town of Hakuba.

上周才刚刚庆祝完基督教的圣诞节,又轮到了神道教的初次参拜了。Actually, we celebrated Christian Christmas one week ago and we visit a Shinto shrine on New Year's Day like this.

神道教建筑与众不同的特色是千木,即前后屋顶的末端呈剪刀形。A distinctive feature of Shinto architecture is the chigi, a scissor-shaped finial at the front and rear of the roof.

到日本去亲自拿货的客户会看到为这只镜头举办的小小仪式,日本神道教的萨满会亲自为这只镜头开光。Customers who took factory delivery in Japan were treated to a ceremony where the lens was blessed by a Shinto priest.

从旧马鞍到碾米机到神社的稻草装饰,屋内堆满了过去的记忆。Rooms are piled high with memories of the past-from old saddles and a rice mill to straw decorations for Shinto shrines.

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富士山的威力和完美的外形使它很久以来就成为神道信徒神圣的祭坛。The combination of its power and perfection of form has meant that Fuji has long been revered as a sacred Shinto shrine.

在神道教信仰中,他详细地解释道,自然之于神灵和人类就像西方宗教中上帝之于自然和人类一样。In the Shinto faith, he patiently explains, nature is to gods and man what God is to nature and man in Western religions.

但我觉得那位不知名的日本修道士说得更贴切,“生命中唯一的真理在于美和无常。”But I think an unknown Shinto monk put it more eloquently when he said, “the only truths in this life are beauty and impermanence.”