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这种更改无法被撤消和复原。This change is not undoable.

并且最重要的一件事是refactorings是可以撤销的。And the best thing is that refactorings are undoable.

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复原单位表示一个可复原工作的单位。An undo unit represents a single unit of undoable work.

命令用于执行用户的所有可撤销的更改。Commands are used to perform all of the user's undoable changes.

将文本的改动通知给文档监听器并使编辑监听器可撤销改动。Notifies document listeners and undoable edit listeners of changes to the text.

使他相信某事情是完全不可为的是无用的尝试。It is futile to attempt to convince him that certain things are simply undoable.

因此,复原引擎能控制可复原动作的持续期间。As a result, the undo engine has control over the duration of an undoable action.

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因为指定可撤销的操作是一个常见需求,所以这个语法变得很重要。Because specifying undoable operations is such a common need, the syntax becomes important.

不要接受其他人设置的界限,天下没有不可行或不可变动之事。Don't accept the limitations of other people who chaim things are undoable or unchangeable.

启用撤消在无法撤消的操作单元或事务内发生的操作的能力。Enables the ability to undo actions that occur within undoable action units or transactions.

让该功能本身也可以撤销,这样会相对容易实现,也会更加理想。Making this function undoable would also be relatively easy to implement and highly desirable.

另一方面,对ASP厂商来说,这无疑可以吸引客户、增加收费的灵活性。It's undoable that ASP can draw on more customers, and increase the flexibility of paying model.

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最坏的确认过程是那些可恢复的操作,例如移动文件到回收站中。The worst confirmations are those of undoable actions, such as moving a file to the Recycle Bin.

命令模式支持请求日志、队列机制和撤消行动。The Command pattern implementation supports a request log, a queueing mechanism and undoable operations.

另外,因为可以为异动命名,所以可复原动作会从目前的异动继承其名称。Also, because transactions can be named, undoable actions inherit their names from the current transaction.

这个应用程序尤其用于监视你正在编辑的源代码,这样使得任意变化都是可以恢复的。Specifically, the purpose of the application is to monitor source code as you edit it, making any changes undoable.

将请求压缩为对象,使您能用不同的请求,队列或日志请求,参数化客户机,并支持可撤销的操作。Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations.

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我听过有关差老板的故事中包括有许多经理人提出那些无法做到的要求,并对待回应是以简单的再次申明必须完成来回答。The bad-boss tales I've heard include many stories of managers demanding the undoable , responding to objections by simply reiterating that it had to be done.

很多实现了单次撤销的程序将最后一次撤销操作当做可以撤销的操作,实际上这样第2次调用撤销功能就成了最小的恢复功能。Many programs that implement single Undo treat the last undone action as an undoable action . In effect, this makes a second invocation of the Undo function a minimal Redo function.

花一些时间在你的应用程序中找一找,看看能否找到一些应该能被撤销,但现在无法撤销的功能,你会惊讶地发现能找到很多这样的功能。Spend some time looking at your own application and see if you can find functions that seem as if they should be undoable , but currently aren't. You may be surprised by how many you find.